Section 1 : Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data
Lecture 1 | What you're going to get from this course | |
Lecture 2 | START HERE | 00:02:54 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Downloadable Resources and Tips for Taking the Course | 00:04:22 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Day 1 Goals_ what we will make by the end of the day | 00:02:20 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Printing to the Console in Python | 00:09:30 Duration |
Lecture 6 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] Printing | 00:06:46 Duration |
Lecture 7 | String Manipulation and Code Intelligence | 00:09:47 Duration |
Lecture 8 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] Debugging Practice | 00:06:09 Duration |
Lecture 9 | The Python Input Function | 00:08:49 Duration |
Lecture 10 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] Input Function | 00:07:02 Duration |
Lecture 11 | Python Variables | 00:06:43 Duration |
Lecture 12 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] Variables | 00:04:01 Duration |
Lecture 13 | Variable Naming | 00:03:58 Duration |
Lecture 14 | Day 1 Project_ Band Name Generator | 00:05:49 Duration |
Lecture 15 | Congratulations! Well done! | 00:00:52 Duration |
Section 2 : Day 2 - Beginner - Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings
Lecture 1 | Day 2 Goals_ what we will make by the end of the day | 00:01:46 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Python Primitive Data Types | 00:07:59 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Type Error, Type Checking and Type Conversion | 00:07:19 Duration |
Lecture 4 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] Data Types | 00:06:04 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Mathematical Operations in Python | 00:08:28 Duration |
Lecture 6 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] BMI Calculator | 00:07:11 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Number Manipulation and F Strings in Python | 00:08:10 Duration |
Lecture 8 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] Life in Weeks | 00:06:25 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Day 2 Project_ Tip Calculator | 00:18:27 Duration |
Lecture 10 | You are already in the top 50_ | 00:00:30 Duration |
Section 3 : Day 3 - Beginner - Control Flow and Logical Operators
Lecture 1 | Day 3 Goals_ what we will make by the end of the day | 00:01:23 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Control Flow with if _ else and Conditional Operators | 00:10:25 Duration |
Lecture 3 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] Odd or Even_ Introducing the Modulo | 00:04:56 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Nested if statements and elif statements | 00:06:28 Duration |
Lecture 5 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] BMI 2 | 00:07:18 Duration |
Lecture 6 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] Leap Year | 00:10:35 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Multiple If Statements in Succession | 00:09:29 Duration |
Lecture 8 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] Pizza Order Practice | 00:06:17 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Logical Operators | 00:05:59 Duration |
Lecture 10 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] Love Calculator | 00:14:08 Duration |
Lecture 11 | Day 3 Project_ Treasure Island | 00:18:12 Duration |
Lecture 12 | Share and Show off your Project! | 00:00:44 Duration |
Section 4 : Day 4 - Beginner - Randomisation and Python Lists
Lecture 1 | Day 4 Goals_ what we will make by the end of the day | 00:01:32 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Random Module | 00:13:45 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Coding-Exercise-4 | |
Lecture 4 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] Random Exercise | 00:02:16 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Understanding the Offset and Appending Items to Lists | 00:13:14 Duration |
Lecture 6 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] Banker Roulette - Who will pay the bill_ | 00:10:22 Duration |
Lecture 7 | IndexErrors and Working with Nested Lists | 00:05:25 Duration |
Lecture 8 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] Treasure Map | 00:11:37 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Day 4 Project_ Rock Paper Scissors | 00:21:27 Duration |
Lecture 10 | Programming is like going to the Gym | 00:01:05 Duration |
Section 5 : Day 5 - Beginner - Python Loops
Lecture 1 | Day 5 Goals_ what we will make by the end of the day | 00:03:13 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Have-I-been-pwned- | |
Lecture 3 | Using the for loop with Python Lists | 00:07:33 Duration |
Lecture 4 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] Average Height | 00:08:41 Duration |
Lecture 5 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] High Score | 00:07:09 Duration |
Lecture 6 | for loops and the range() function | 00:05:22 Duration |
Lecture 7 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] Adding Even Numbers | 00:04:36 Duration |
Lecture 8 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] The FizzBuzz Job Interview Question | 00:05:23 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Day 5 Project_ Create a Password Generator | 00:16:10 Duration |
Lecture 10 | Hard Work and Perseverance beats Raw Talent Every Time | 00:01:09 Duration |
Section 6 : Day 6 - Beginner - Python Functions & Karel
Lecture 1 | Day 6 Goals_ what we will make by the end of the day | 00:01:02 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Defining and Calling Python Functions | 00:15:50 Duration |
Lecture 3 | The Hurdles Loop Challenge | 00:10:38 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Indentation in Python | 00:09:14 Duration |
Lecture 5 | While Loops | 00:12:42 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Hurdles Challenge using While Loops | 00:06:57 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Jumping over Hurdles with Variable Heights | 00:08:13 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Final Project_ Escaping the Maze | 00:16:41 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Why is this _so_ Hard_! Can I really do this_ | 00:01:26 Duration |
Section 7 : Day 7 - Beginner - Hangman
Section 8 : Day 8 - Beginner - Function Parameters & Caesar Cipher
Lecture 1 | Day 8 Goals_ what we will make by the end of the day | 00:02:15 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Functions with Inputs | 00:09:33 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Positional vs | 00:08:51 Duration |
Lecture 4 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] Paint Area Calculator | 00:07:49 Duration |
Lecture 5 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] Prime Number Checker | 00:08:54 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Caesar Cipher Part 1 - Encryption | 00:14:42 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Caesar Cipher Part 2 - Decryption | 00:06:29 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Caesar Cipher Part 3 - Reorganising our Code | 00:10:37 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Caesar Cipher Part 4 - User Experience Improvements & Final Touches | 00:13:24 Duration |
Lecture 10 | How You Can _Stay_ Motivated | 00:01:06 Duration |
Section 9 : Day 9 - Beginner - Dictionaries, Nesting and the Secret Auction
Lecture 1 | Day 9 Goals_ what we will make by the end of the day | 00:02:29 Duration |
Lecture 2 | The Python Dictionary_ Deep Dive | 00:14:14 Duration |
Lecture 3 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] Grading Program | 00:06:00 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Nesting Lists and Dictionaries | 00:09:56 Duration |
Lecture 5 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] Dictionary in List | 00:05:35 Duration |
Lecture 6 | The Secret Auction Program Instructions and Flow Chart | 00:04:30 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Solution and Complete Code for the Secret Auction Program | 00:18:14 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Motivation and the Accountability Trick | 00:01:02 Duration |
Section 10 : Day 10 - Beginner - Functions with Outputs
Lecture 1 | Day 10 Goals_ what we will make by the end of the day | 00:01:35 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Functions with Outputs | 00:12:58 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Multiple return values | 00:03:31 Duration |
Lecture 4 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] Days in Month | 00:06:44 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Docstrings | 00:03:43 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Calculator Part 1_ Combining Dictionaries and Functions | 00:08:44 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Print vs | 00:04:38 Duration |
Lecture 8 | While Loops, Flags and Recursion | 00:07:49 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Calculator Finishing Touches and Bug Fixes | 00:03:48 Duration |
Lecture 10 | How to Get a Good Night's Sleep |
Section 11 : Day 11 - Beginner - The Blackjack Capstone Project
Lecture 1 | Day 11 Goals_ what we will make by the end of the day | 00:02:15 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Blackjack Program Requirements and Game Rules | |
Lecture 3 | Hint 4 & 5 Solution Walkthrough | 00:06:50 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Hint 6-8 Solution Walkthrough | 00:05:06 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Hint 9 Solution Walkthrough_ Refactoring and calling calculate_score() | 00:05:09 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Hint 10-12 Solution Walkthrough | 00:05:25 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Hint 13 Solution Walkthrough | 00:08:43 Duration |
Lecture 8 | A Solid Foundation goes a Long Way | 00:01:38 Duration |
Section 12 : Day 12 - Beginner - Scope & Number Guessing Game
Lecture 1 | Namespaces_ Local vs | 00:07:52 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Does Python Have Block Scope_ | 00:02:51 Duration |
Lecture 3 | How to Modify a Global Variable | 00:04:44 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Python Constants and Global Scope | 00:01:46 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Introducing the Final Project_ The Number Guessing Game | 00:04:59 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Solution & Walkthrough to the Number Guessing Game | 00:23:42 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Don't be too hard on yourself | 00:00:45 Duration |
Section 13 : Day 13 - Beginner - Debugging_ How to Find and Fix Errors in your Code
Lecture 1 | Describe the Problem | 00:04:52 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Reproduce the Bug | 00:03:35 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Play Computer and Evaluate Each Line | 00:03:51 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Fixing Errors and Watching for Red Underlines | 00:03:30 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Squash bugs with a print() Statement | 00:04:39 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Bringing out the BIG Gun_ Using a Debugger | 00:05:53 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Final Debugging Tips | 00:05:09 Duration |
Lecture 8 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] Debugging Odd or Even | 00:02:45 Duration |
Lecture 9 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] Debugging Leap Year | 00:03:01 Duration |
Lecture 10 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] Debugging FizzBuzz | 00:07:34 Duration |
Lecture 11 | Building Confidence | 00:01:01 Duration |
Section 14 : Day 14 - Beginner - Higher Lower Game Project
Lecture 1 | Introduction & Program Requirements for the Higher Lower Game | 00:07:37 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Solution & Walkthrough of the Higher Lower Game | 00:30:31 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Study Tip_ Set Reminders in Your Calendar to Review | 00:01:08 Duration |
Section 15 : Day 15 - Intermediate - Local Development Environment Setup & the Coffee Machine
Lecture 1 | Installing Python Locally on Your Computer | 00:04:39 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Download PyCharm for Windows or Mac | 00:01:59 Duration |
Lecture 3 | PyCharm's Charming Features (while you wait for the download to finish) | 00:13:04 Duration |
Lecture 4 | How to Install PyCharm on Windows | 00:02:38 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Installing PyCharm on Mac | 00:02:53 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Introduction & Requirements for the Coffee Machine Project | 00:10:35 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Solution & Walkthrough for the Coffee Machine Code | 00:28:58 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Location, Location, Location - Pavlov's Coding Corner | 00:01:09 Duration |
Section 16 : Day 16 - Intermediate - Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
Lecture 1 | Why do we need OOP and how does it work_ | 00:07:22 Duration |
Lecture 2 | How to use OOP_ Classes and Objects | 00:04:09 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Constructing Objects and Accessing their Attributes and Methods | 00:15:56 Duration |
Lecture 4 | How to Add Python Packages and use PyPi | 00:05:57 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Practice Modifying Object Attributes and Calling Methods | 00:08:30 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Building the Coffee Machine in OOP | 00:07:11 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Walkthrough and Solution for the OOP Coffee Machine | |
Lecture 8 | Don't forget to review occasionally | 00:00:56 Duration |
Section 17 : Day 17 - Intermediate - The Quiz Project & the Benefits of OOP
Lecture 1 | Day 17 Goals_ what we will make by the end of the day | 00:01:08 Duration |
Lecture 2 | How to create your own Class in Python | 00:04:45 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Working with Attributes, Class Constructors and the __init__() Function | 00:11:09 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Adding Methods to a Class | 00:04:27 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Quiz Project Part 1_ Creating the Question Class | 00:05:48 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Quiz Project Part 2_ Creating the List of Question Objects from the Data | 00:07:49 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Quiz Project Part 3_ The QuizBrain and the next_question() Method | 00:07:52 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Quiz Project Part 4_ How to continue showing new Questions | 00:04:46 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Quiz Project Part 5_ Checking Answers and Keeping Score | 00:08:08 Duration |
Lecture 10 | The Benefits of OOP_ Use Open Trivia DB to Get New Questions | 00:05:35 Duration |
Lecture 11 | Run for that Bus! | 00:01:19 Duration |
Section 18 : Day 18 - Intermediate - Turtle & the Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Lecture 1 | Day 18 Goals_ what we will make by the end of the day | 00:01:04 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Understanding Turtle Graphics and How to use the Documentation | 00:09:56 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Turtle Challenge 1 - Draw a Square | 00:02:29 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Importing Modules, Installing Packages, and Working with Aliases | 00:08:10 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Turtle Challenge 2 - Draw a Dashed Line | 00:03:00 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Turtle Challenge 3 - Drawing Different Shapes | 00:06:43 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Turtle Challenge 4 - Generate a Random Walk | 00:07:22 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Python Tuples and How to Generate Random RGB Colours | 00:07:43 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Turtle Challenge 5 - Draw a Spirograph | 00:09:27 Duration |
Lecture 10 | The Hirst Painting Project Part 1 - How to Extract RGB Values from Images | 00:13:50 Duration |
Lecture 11 | The Hirst Painting Project Part 2 - Drawing the Dots | 00:12:24 Duration |
Lecture 12 | Space out your study sessions and stay consistent | 00:01:36 Duration |
Section 19 : Day 19 - Intermediate - Instances, State and Higher Order Functions
Lecture 1 | Day 19 Goals_ what we will make by the end of the day | 00:01:49 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Python Higher Order Functions & Event Listeners | 00:07:14 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Challenge_ Make an Etch-A-Sketch App | 00:07:27 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Object State and Instances | 00:03:26 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Understanding the Turtle Coordinate System | 00:13:14 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Aaaand, we're off to the races! | 00:10:03 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Expand on the Solutions | 00:01:47 Duration |
Section 20 : Day 20 - Intermediate - Build the Snake Game Part 1_ Animation & Coordinates
Lecture 1 | Day 20 Goals_ what we will make by the end of the day | 00:04:39 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Screen Setup and Creating a Snake Body | 00:08:00 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Animating the Snake Segments on Screen | 00:17:19 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Create a Snake Class & Move to OOP | 00:07:27 Duration |
Lecture 5 | How to Control the Snake with a Keypress | 00:10:54 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Programming is not Memorising | 00:02:14 Duration |
Section 21 : Day 21 - Intermediate - Build the Snake Game Part 2_ Inheritance & List Slicing
Lecture 1 | Day 21 Goals_ what we will make by the end of the day | 00:01:06 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Class Inheritance | 00:06:48 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Detect Collisions with Food | 00:11:48 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Create a Scoreboard and Keep Score | 00:10:21 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Detect Collisions with the Wall | 00:03:53 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Detect Collisions with your own Tail | 00:06:20 Duration |
Lecture 7 | How to Slice Lists & Tuples in Python | 00:07:40 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Stay motivated by remembering the reason you signed up | 00:01:43 Duration |
Section 22 : Day 22 - Intermediate - Build Pong_ The Famous Arcade Game
Lecture 1 | Day 22 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | 00:03:45 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Set up the Main Screen | 00:01:43 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Create a Paddle that responds to Key Presses | 00:06:21 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Write the Paddle Class and Create the Second Paddle | 00:07:37 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Write the Ball Class and Make the Ball Move | 00:04:44 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Add the Ball Bouncing Logic | 00:07:01 Duration |
Lecture 7 | How to Detect Collisions with the Paddle | 00:06:17 Duration |
Lecture 8 | How to Detect when the Ball goes Out of Bounds | 00:04:02 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Score Keeping and Changing the Ball Speed | 00:09:25 Duration |
Lecture 10 | Picturing fears_ even the worst-case scenario is not so scary | 00:01:41 Duration |
Section 23 : Day 23 - Intermediate - The Turtle Crossing Capstone Project
Lecture 1 | Day 23 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | 00:01:28 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Choose Your Difficulty | |
Lecture 3 | How to use the Starter Code | 00:03:29 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Step 1 - Check out how the game play works | |
Lecture 5 | Step 2 - Break down the Problem | |
Lecture 6 | Solution to Step 3 - Create the Player Behaviour | 00:04:44 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Solution to Step 4 - Create the Car Behaviour | 00:09:14 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Solution to Step 5 - Detect when the Turtle collides with a Car _squish_ | 00:02:29 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Solution to Step 6 - Detect when the Player has reached the other side | 00:04:28 Duration |
Lecture 10 | Solution to Step 7 - Add the Scoreboard and Game Over sequence | 00:07:53 Duration |
Lecture 11 | This course is not about typing out code | 00:01:44 Duration |
Section 24 : Day 24 - Intermediate - Files, Directories and Paths
Lecture 1 | Day 24 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | 00:02:09 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Add a High Score to the Snake Game | 00:10:45 Duration |
Lecture 3 | How to Open, Read, and Write to Files using the _with_ Keyword | 00:09:32 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Challenge_ Read and Write the High Score to a File in Snake | 00:06:02 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Understand Relative and Absolute File Paths | 00:15:27 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Introducing the Mail Merge Challenge | 00:04:45 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Solution & Walkthrough for the Mail Merge Project | 00:11:28 Duration |
Lecture 8 | What's the correct solution_ What's the best answer_ What's the right way_ | 00:02:58 Duration |
Section 25 : Day 25 - Intermediate - Working with CSV Data and the Pandas Library
Lecture 1 | Day 25 Goals_ what we will make by the end of the day | 00:01:51 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Reading CSV Data in Python | 00:13:20 Duration |
Lecture 3 | DataFrames & Series_ Working with Rows & Columns | 00:17:26 Duration |
Lecture 4 | The Great Squirrel Census Data Analysis (with Pandas!) | 00:09:53 Duration |
Lecture 5 | U | 00:10:18 Duration |
Lecture 6 | U | 00:16:05 Duration |
Lecture 7 | U | 00:05:27 Duration |
Section 26 : Day 26 - Intermediate - List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet
Lecture 1 | Day 26 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | 00:01:25 Duration |
Lecture 2 | How to Create Lists using List Comprehension | 00:15:50 Duration |
Lecture 3 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] Squaring Numbers | 00:02:03 Duration |
Lecture 4 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] Filtering Even Numbers | 00:02:38 Duration |
Lecture 5 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] Data Overlap | 00:04:54 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Apply List Comprehension to the U | 00:02:42 Duration |
Lecture 7 | How to use Dictionary Comprehension | 00:08:55 Duration |
Lecture 8 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] Dictionary Comprehension 1 | |
Lecture 9 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] Dictionary Comprehension 2 | 00:03:20 Duration |
Lecture 10 | How to Iterate over a Pandas DataFrame | 00:04:56 Duration |
Lecture 11 | Introducing the NATO Alphabet Project | 00:05:30 Duration |
Lecture 12 | Solution & Walkthrough for the NATO Alphabet Project | 00:05:54 Duration |
Section 27 : Day 27 - Intermediate - Tkinter, _args, __kwargs and Creating GUI Programs
Lecture 1 | Day 27 Goals_ what we will make by the end of the day | 00:02:04 Duration |
Lecture 2 | History of GUI and Introduction to Tkinter | 00:05:22 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Creating Windows and Labels with Tkinter | 00:09:35 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Setting Default Values for Optional Arguments inside a Function Header | 00:05:44 Duration |
Lecture 5 | _args_ Many Positional Arguments | 00:05:58 Duration |
Lecture 6 | __kwargs_ Many Keyword Arguments | 00:09:50 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Buttons, Entry, and Setting Component Options | 00:09:48 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Other Tkinter Widgets_ Radiobuttons, Scales, Checkbuttons and more | 00:07:19 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Tkinter Layout Managers_ pack(), place() and grid() | 00:11:04 Duration |
Lecture 10 | Mile to Kilometers Converter Project | 00:11:10 Duration |
Section 28 : Day 28 - Intermediate - Tkinter, Dynamic Typing and the Pomodoro GUI Application
Lecture 1 | Day 28 Goals_ what we will make by the end of the day | 00:02:41 Duration |
Lecture 2 | How to work with the Canvas Widget and Add Images to Tkinter | 00:15:10 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Challenge - Complete the Application's User Interface (UI) | 00:08:45 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Add a Count Down Mechanism | 00:17:47 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Dynamic Typing Explained | 00:06:58 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Setting Different Timer Sessions and Values | 00:08:01 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Adding Checkmarks and Resetting the Application | 00:09:51 Duration |
Section 29 : Day 29 - Intermediate - Building a Password Manager GUI App with Tkinter
Lecture 1 | Day 29 Goals_ what we will make by the end of the day | 00:03:33 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Challenge 1 - Working with Images and Setting up the Canvas | 00:05:04 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Challenge 2 - Use grid() and columnspan to Complete the User Interface | 00:04:54 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Solution to the Creating the Grid Layout | 00:06:36 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Challenge 3 - Saving Data to File | 00:13:26 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Dialog Boxes and Pop-Ups in Tkinter | 00:09:09 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Generate a Password & Copy it to the Clipboard | 00:12:48 Duration |
Section 30 : Day 30 - Intermediate - Errors, Exceptions and JSON Data_ Improving the Password
Lecture 1 | Day 30 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | 00:01:42 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Catching Exceptions_ The try catch except finally Pattern | 00:15:33 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Raising your own Exceptions | 00:04:15 Duration |
Lecture 4 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] IndexError Handling | 00:02:47 Duration |
Lecture 5 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] KeyError Handling | 00:03:29 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Code Exercise_ Exception Handling in the NATO Phonetic Alphabet Project | 00:06:32 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Write, read and update JSON data in the Password Manager | 00:13:21 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Challenge 1 - Handling Exceptions in the Password Manager | 00:06:19 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Challenge 2 - Search for a Website in the Password Manager | 00:17:57 Duration |
Section 31 : Day 31 - Intermediate - Flash Card App Capstone Project
Lecture 1 | Day 31 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | 00:10:07 Duration |
Lecture 2 | docx | |
Lecture 3 | Solution & Walkthrough for Creating the UI | 00:11:49 Duration |
Lecture 4 | docx | |
Lecture 5 | Solution & Walkthrough for Creating New Flash Cards | 00:08:07 Duration |
Lecture 6 | docx | |
Lecture 7 | Solution & Walkthrough for Flipping Cards | 00:08:54 Duration |
Lecture 8 | docx | |
Lecture 9 | Solution & Walkthrough for Saving Progress | 00:09:31 Duration |
Section 32 : Day 32 - Intermediate+ Send Email (smtplib) & Manage Dates (datetime)
Lecture 1 | Day 32 Goals_ what we will make by the end of the day | 00:02:31 Duration |
Lecture 2 | docx | |
Lecture 3 | How to Send Emails with Python using SMTP | 00:14:28 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Working with the datetime Module | 00:06:12 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Challenge 1 - Send Motivational Quotes on Mondays via Email | 00:08:37 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Automated Birthday Wisher Project Challenge | 00:05:40 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Solution & Walkthrough for the Automated Birthday Wisher | 00:17:28 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Run Your Python Code in the Cloud! | 00:06:10 Duration |
Section 33 : Day 33 - Intermediate+ API Endpoints & API Parameters - ISS Overhead Notifier
Lecture 1 | Day 33 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | 00:01:06 Duration |
Lecture 2 | What are Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)_ | 00:04:07 Duration |
Lecture 3 | API Endpoints and Making API Calls | 00:07:43 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Working with Responses_ HTTP Codes, Exceptions & JSON Data | 00:08:56 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Challenge - Build a Kanye Quotes App using the Kanye Rest API | 00:04:41 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Understand API Parameters_ Match Sunset Times with the Current Time | 00:15:09 Duration |
Lecture 7 | ISS Overhead Notifier Project - Challenge & Solution | 00:10:07 Duration |
Section 34 : Day 34 - Intermediate+ API Practice - Creating a GUI Quiz App
Lecture 1 | Day 34 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | 00:02:19 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Trivia Question API Challenge | 00:05:49 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Solution & Walkthrough for getting Trivia Questions | 00:03:33 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Unescaping HTML Entities | 00:04:02 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Class based Tkinter UI | 00:14:28 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Python Typing & Showing the Next Question in the GUI | 00:06:56 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Python Typing_ Type Hints and Arrows -_ | 00:05:14 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Check the Answer | 00:03:34 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Give Feedback to the Player, Keep Score and Fix the Bugs =) | 00:08:39 Duration |
Section 35 : Day 35 - Intermediate+ Keys, Authentication & Environment Variables_ Send SMS
Lecture 1 | Day 35 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | 00:01:35 Duration |
Lecture 2 | What is API Authentication and Why Do We Need to Authenticate Ourselves_ | 00:04:29 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Using API Keys to Authenticate and Get the Weather from OpenWeatherMap | 00:13:05 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Challenge - Check if it Will Rain in the Next 12 Hours | 00:18:58 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Sending SMS via the Twilio API | 00:09:12 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Use PythonAnywhere to Automate the Python Script | 00:07:36 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Understanding Environment Variables and Hiding API Keys | 00:10:14 Duration |
Section 36 : Day 36 - Intermediate+ Stock Trading News Alert Project
Lecture 1 | Day 36 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | 00:09:31 Duration |
Lecture 2 | docx | |
Lecture 3 | Solution & Walkthrough for Step 1 - Check for Stock Price Movements | 00:15:15 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Solution & Walkthrough for Step 2 - Get the News Articles | 00:06:48 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Solution & Walkthrough for Step 3 - Send the SMS Messages | 00:08:18 Duration |
Section 37 : Day 37 - Intermediate+ Habit Tracking Project_ API Post Requests & Headers
Lecture 1 | Day 37 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | 00:02:45 Duration |
Lecture 2 | HTTP Post Requests | 00:08:21 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Advanced Authentication using an HTTP Header | 00:10:52 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Challenge_ Add a Pixel to the Habit Tracker using a Post Request | 00:05:55 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Autofilling today's date using strftime | 00:04:18 Duration |
Lecture 6 | How to use HTTP Put and Delete Requests | 00:06:35 Duration |
Section 38 : Day 38 - Intermediate+ Workout Tracking Using Google Sheets
Lecture 1 | Day 38 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | 00:03:38 Duration |
Lecture 2 | docx | |
Lecture 3 | docx | |
Lecture 4 | docx | |
Lecture 5 | docx | |
Lecture 6 | docx | |
Lecture 7 | it |
Section 39 : Day 39 - Intermediate+ Capstone Part 1_ Flight Deal Finder
Lecture 1 | Day 39 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | 00:04:38 Duration |
Lecture 2 | docx | |
Lecture 3 | docx | |
Lecture 4 | docx | |
Lecture 5 | docx | |
Lecture 6 | docx |
Section 40 : Day 40 - Intermediate+ Capstone Part 2_ Flight Club
Lecture 1 | Day 40 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | 00:02:53 Duration |
Lecture 2 | docx | |
Lecture 3 | docx | |
Lecture 4 | docx | |
Lecture 5 | docx | |
Lecture 6 | docx |
Section 41 : Day 41 - Web Foundation - Introduction to HTML
Lecture 1 | Day 41 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | 00:04:01 Duration |
Lecture 2 | How Does the Internet Actually Work_ | 00:05:42 Duration |
Lecture 3 | How Do Websites Actually Work_ | 00:06:20 Duration |
Lecture 4 | docx | |
Lecture 5 | Introduction to HTML | 00:10:52 Duration |
Lecture 6 | The Anatomy of an HTML Tag | 00:10:56 Duration |
Lecture 7 | What we're building - HTML Personal Site | 00:02:53 Duration |
Lecture 8 | What is The HTML Boilerplate_ | 00:17:01 Duration |
Lecture 9 | How to Structure Text in HTML | 00:11:00 Duration |
Lecture 10 | HTML Lists | 00:05:24 Duration |
Lecture 11 | HTML Image Elements | 00:07:33 Duration |
Lecture 12 | HTML Links and Anchor Tags | 00:11:56 Duration |
Section 42 : Day 42 - Web Foundation - Intermediate HTML
Lecture 1 | Day 42 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | 00:01:01 Duration |
Lecture 2 | HTML Tables | 00:11:57 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Using HTML Tables for Layout | 00:02:18 Duration |
Lecture 4 | HTML Tables Code Challenge | 00:01:45 Duration |
Lecture 5 | docx | |
Lecture 6 | HTML Tables Solution Walkthrough | 00:06:43 Duration |
Lecture 7 | HTML Forms | 00:09:09 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Forms in Practice - Create a Contact Me Form | 00:07:28 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Publish Your Website! | 00:06:44 Duration |
Section 43 : Day 43 - Web Foundation - Introduction to CSS
Lecture 1 | Day 43 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | 00:00:45 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Introduction to CSS | 00:03:04 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Inline CSS | 00:09:57 Duration |
Lecture 4 | A Quick Note about the Next Lesson | |
Lecture 5 | Internal CSS | 00:20:22 Duration |
Lecture 6 | External CSS | 00:08:29 Duration |
Lecture 7 | How to Debug CSS Code | 00:13:37 Duration |
Lecture 8 | The Anatomy of CSS Syntax | 00:13:09 Duration |
Lecture 9 | CSS Selectors | 00:06:23 Duration |
Lecture 10 | Classes vs | 00:11:45 Duration |
Section 44 : Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS
Section 45 : Day 45 - Intermediate+ Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup
Lecture 1 | Day 45 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | 00:02:27 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Parsing HTML and Making Soup | 00:10:03 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Finding and Selecting Particular Elements with BeautifulSoup | 00:11:51 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Scraping a Live Website | 00:17:10 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Is Web Scraping Legal_ | 00:11:26 Duration |
Lecture 6 | 100 Movies that You Must Watch | 00:11:07 Duration |
Section 46 : Day 46 - Intermediate+ Create a Spotify Playlist using the Musical Time Machine
Lecture 1 | Day 46 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | 00:04:12 Duration |
Lecture 2 | docx | |
Lecture 3 | docx | |
Lecture 4 | docx | |
Lecture 5 | docx |
Section 47 : Day 47 - Intermediate+ Create an Automated Amazon Price Tracker
Lecture 1 | Day 47 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | 00:05:32 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Step 1 - Use BeautifulSoup to Scrape the Product Price | |
Lecture 3 | Step 2 - Email Alert When Price Below Preset Value |
Section 48 : Day 48 - Intermediate+ Selenium Webdriver Browser and Game Playing Bot
Lecture 1 | Day 48 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | 00:02:50 Duration |
Lecture 2 | How to Install & Set Up Selenium | 00:11:55 Duration |
Lecture 3 | How to Find and Select Elements on a Website with Selenium | 00:11:43 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Challenge_ Use Selenium to Scrape Website Data | 00:08:12 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Challenge_ Use Selenium in a Blank Project & Scrape a Different Piece of Data | 00:04:30 Duration |
Lecture 6 | How to Automate Filling Out Forms and Clicking Buttons with Selenium | 00:10:42 Duration |
Lecture 7 | The Cookie Clicker Project | 00:03:38 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Challenge_ Create an Automated Game Playing Bot |
Section 49 : Day 49 - Intermediate+ Automating Job Applications on LinkedIn
Lecture 1 | Day 49 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | 00:03:13 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Step 1 - Setup Your LinkedIn Account | |
Lecture 3 | Step 2 - Automatically Login | |
Lecture 4 | Step 3 - Apply for a Job | |
Lecture 5 | Step 4 - Apply for all the jobs |
Section 50 : Day 50 - Intermediate+ Auto Tinder Swiping Bot
Lecture 1 | Day 50 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | 00:06:44 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Step 1 - Setup your account on Tinder | |
Lecture 3 | Step 2 - Navigate to Login Page | |
Lecture 4 | Step 3 - Login with Facebook | |
Lecture 5 | Step 4 - Dismiss all requests | |
Lecture 6 | Step 5 - Hit Like! |
Section 51 : Day 51 - Intermediate+ Internet Speed Twitter Complaint Bot
Lecture 2 | Step 1 - Setup Your Twitter Account | |
Lecture 3 | Step 2 - Create a Class | |
Lecture 4 | Step 3 - Get Internet Speeds | |
Lecture 5 | Step 4 - Building a Twitter Bot to Tweet at your Internet Provider |
Section 52 : Day 52 - Intermediate+ Instagram Follower Bot
Lecture 1 | Day 52 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | 00:03:27 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Step 1 - Get Your Instagram Credentials | |
Lecture 3 | Step 2 - Create a Class | |
Lecture 4 | Step 3 - Login to Instagram | |
Lecture 5 | Step 4 - Find the followers of the target account | |
Lecture 6 | Step 5 - Follow all the followers |
Section 53 : Day 53 - Intermediate+ Web Scraping Capstone - Data Entry Job Automation
Lecture 1 | Day 53 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | 00:06:42 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Capstone Project Program Requirements | |
Lecture 3 | HINTS & SOLUTION |
Section 54 : Day 54 - Intermediate+ Introduction to Web Development with Flask
Lecture 1 | Understanding Backend Web Development with Python | 00:07:56 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Create your First Web Server with Flask | 00:12:32 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Understand the Command Line on Windows and Mac | 00:13:10 Duration |
Lecture 4 | __name__ and __main__ _ Special Attributes built into Python | 00:03:58 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Python Functions as First Class Objects_ Passing & Nesting Functions | 00:09:56 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Understanding Python Decorator Functions and the @ Syntax | 00:09:07 Duration |
Lecture 7 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] Create Your Own Python Decorator |
Section 55 : Day 55 - Intermediate+ HTML & URL Parsing in Flask and the Higher Lower Game
Lecture 1 | Day 55 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | 00:01:32 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Working Flask URL Paths and the Flask Debugger | 00:13:20 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Rendering HTML Elements with Flask | 00:06:56 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Challenge_ Use Python Decorators to Style HTML Tags | 00:03:00 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Advanced Decorators with _args and __kwargs | 00:07:13 Duration |
Lecture 6 | [Interactive Coding Exercise] Advanced Decorators | |
Lecture 7 | Final Project - Higher or Lower URLs |
Section 56 : Day 56 - Intermediate+ Rendering HTML_Static files and Using Website Templates
Lecture 1 | Day 56 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | 00:01:20 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Rendering HTML Files with Flask | 00:09:06 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Serving Static Files using Flask | 00:08:57 Duration |
Lecture 4 | How to Use Website Templates to Speed Up Web Development | 00:12:44 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Final Project - Name Card Website Template | |
Lecture 6 | Solution and Walkthrough for the Name Card Final Project | 00:07:35 Duration |
Section 57 : Day 57 - Intermediate+ Templating with Jinja in Flask Applications
Lecture 1 | Day 57 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | 00:01:49 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Using Jinja to Produce Dynamic HTML Pages | 00:11:31 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Challenge_ Combining Jinja Templating with APIs | 00:11:54 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Multiline Statements with Jinja | 00:07:22 Duration |
Lecture 5 | URL Building with Flask | 00:04:38 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Blog Capstone Project Part 1 - Templating |
Section 58 : Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap
Section 59 : Day 59 - Advanced - Blog Capstone Project Part 2 - Adding Styling
Lecture 1 | Day 59 Goals_ What you'll make by the end of today | |
Lecture 2 | Step 1 - Download the starting project | |
Lecture 3 | Step 2 - Get the home page to work | |
Lecture 4 | Step 3 - Fix the header and footer | |
Lecture 5 | Step 4 - Using Jinja Include fo Render Templates | |
Lecture 6 | Step 5 - Make the About and Contact Pages Work | |
Lecture 7 | Step 6 - Fetch and render the blog posts from an API | |
Lecture 8 | Step 7 - Rendering Individual Posts |
Section 60 : Day 60 - Advanced - Make POST Requests with Flask and HTML Forms
Lecture 1 | Day 60 goals - Make the Contact Form Work | |
Lecture 2 | HTML Forms Revision - Creating a Form from Scratch | |
Lecture 3 | Handle POST Requests with Flask Servers | |
Lecture 4 | POST Requests in Flask Solution | |
Lecture 5 | Getting the Contact Form to Work | |
Lecture 6 | Sending Email with smtplib |
Section 61 : Day 61 - Advanced - Building Advanced Forms with Flask-WTForms
Lecture 1 | Day 61 Goals_ Building Advanced Forms | |
Lecture 2 | Installing Flask-WTF | |
Lecture 3 | Creating Forms with Flask-WTF | |
Lecture 4 | Code Improvements for Our WTForms | |
Lecture 5 | Adding Validation to Forms with Flask-WTF | |
Lecture 6 | Receiving Form Data with WTForms | |
Lecture 7 | Inheriting Templates Using Jinja2 | |
Lecture 8 | Using Flask-Bootstrap as an Inherited Template | |
Lecture 9 | Flask-Bootstrap Supports WTForms |
Section 62 : Day 62 - Advanced - Flask, WTForms, Bootstrap and CSV - Coffee & Wifi Project
Lecture 1 | Download the Starting Project | |
Lecture 2 | Look at the Desired Final Product | |
Lecture 3 | Check Off Each Requirement |
Section 63 : Day 63 - Advanced - Databases and with SQLite and SQLAlchemy
Lecture 1 | Day 63 Goals_ Creating a Virtual Bookshelf | |
Lecture 2 | Download the Starting Project | |
Lecture 3 | Make the Website Work | |
Lecture 4 | What Happens When You Refresh the Server_ | |
Lecture 5 | SQLite Databases | |
Lecture 6 | SQLAlchemy | |
Lecture 7 | CRUD Operations with SQLAlchemy | |
Lecture 8 | Build a SQLite Database into the Flask Website |
Section 64 : Day 64 - Advanced -My Top 10 Movies Website
Section 65 : Day 65 - Web Design School - How to Create a Website that People will Love
Lecture 1 | Introduction to Web Design | 00:03:56 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Understanding Color Theory | 00:09:05 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Understanding Typography and How to Choose Fonts | 00:10:29 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Manage ATTENTION with effective User Interface (UI) Design | 00:10:28 Duration |
Lecture 5 | User Experience (UX) Design | 00:13:39 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Web Design in Practice - Let's apply what we've learnt! | 00:18:21 Duration |
Section 66 : Day 66 - Advanced - Building Your Own API with RESTful Routing
Lecture 1 | Day 66 Goals_ Build Your Own REST API Service | |
Lecture 2 | What is REST_ | 00:13:23 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Download the Starting Project | |
Lecture 4 | HTTP GET - a Random Cafe | |
Lecture 5 | HTTP GET - All the Cafes | |
Lecture 6 | HTTP GET - Find a Cafe | |
Lecture 7 | Postman - The all in one API Testing Tool | |
Lecture 8 | HTTP POST - A New Cafe | |
Lecture 9 | HTTP PUT vs | 00:01:44 Duration |
Lecture 10 | HTTP PATCH - A Cafe's Coffee Price | |
Lecture 11 | HTTP DELETE - A Cafe that's Closed | |
Lecture 12 | Build Documentation for Your API |
Section 67 : Day 67 - Advanced - Blog Capstone Project Part 3 - RESTful Routing
Section 68 : Day 68 - Advanced - Authentication with Flask
Lecture 1 | Day 68 Goals - Login and Registering Users with Authentication | |
Lecture 2 | What is Authentication_ | 00:03:39 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Download the Starting Project | |
Lecture 4 | Register New Users | |
Lecture 5 | Downloading Files | |
Lecture 6 | Encryption and Hashing | 00:15:20 Duration |
Lecture 7 | How to Hack Passwords 101 | 00:12:28 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Salting Passwords | 00:07:10 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Hashing Passwords using Werkzeug | |
Lecture 10 | Authenticating Users with Flask-Login | |
Lecture 11 | Flask Flash Messages | |
Lecture 12 | Passing Authentication Status to Templates |
Section 69 : Day 69 - Advanced - Blog Capstone Project Part 4 - Adding Users
Lecture 1 | Day 69 Goals - Adding Users to Our Blog Project | |
Lecture 2 | Download the Starting Project | |
Lecture 3 | Requirement 1 - Register New Users | |
Lecture 4 | Requirement 2 - Login Registered Users | |
Lecture 5 | Requirement 3 - Protect Routes | |
Lecture 6 | Creating Relational Databases | |
Lecture 7 | Requirement 4 - Allow Any User to Add Comments to BlogPosts |
Section 70 : Day 70 - Advanced - Deploying Your Web Application with Heroku
Lecture 1 | Day 70 Goals - Learn to Deploy Your Website | 00:01:33 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Version Control and Git | 00:18:48 Duration |
Lecture 3 | What is GitHub_ | 00:09:45 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Step 1 - Upload Your Project to GitHub | |
Lecture 5 | Step 2 - Use gunicorn and Heroku to host your website | |
Lecture 6 | Step 3 - Setup a WSGI server with gunicorn | |
Lecture 7 | Step 4 - Upgrade SQLite Database to PostgreSQL |
Section 71 : Day 71 - Advanced - Data Exploration with Pandas_ College Major v
Section 72 : Day 72 - Advanced - Data Visualisation with Matplotlib_ Programming Languages
Lecture 1 | Day 72 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | |
Lecture 2 | Download and Open the Starter Notebook | |
Lecture 3 | Solution_ Preliminary Data Exploration | |
Lecture 4 | Solution_ Analysis by Programming Language | |
Lecture 5 | Data Cleaning_ Working with Time Stamps | |
Lecture 6 | Data Manipulation_ Pivoting DataFrames | |
Lecture 7 | Data Visualisation with Matplotlib | |
Lecture 8 | Multi-Line Charts with Matplotib | |
Lecture 9 | Smoothing out Time-Series Data | |
Lecture 10 | Learning Points & Summary |
Section 73 : Day 73 - Advanced - Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas_ Analyse the LEGO Dataset
Lecture 1 | Day 73 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | |
Lecture 2 | Use HTML Markdown to Make Your Notebook Look Pretty | |
Lecture 3 | Solution_ Exploring the LEGO Brick Colours | |
Lecture 4 | Find the Oldest and Largest LEGO Sets | |
Lecture 5 | Visualise the Number of Sets Published over Time | |
Lecture 6 | How to use the Pandas | |
Lecture 7 | Superimposing Line Charts with Separate Axes | |
Lecture 8 | Scatter Plots_ Average Number of Parts per LEGO Set | |
Lecture 9 | Relational Database Schemas_ Primary and Foreign Keys | |
Lecture 10 | How to Merge DataFrames and Create Bar Charts | |
Lecture 11 | Learning Points & Summary |
Section 74 : Day 74 - Advanced - Google Trends Data_ Resampling and Visualising Time Series
Section 75 : Day 75 - Advanced - Beautiful Plotly Charts & Analysing the Android App Store
Section 76 : Day 76 - Advanced - Computation with NumPy and N-Dimensional Arrays
Lecture 1 | Day 76 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | |
Lecture 2 | NumPy's ndarray - Incredible Power at Your Fingertips! | |
Lecture 3 | Generating and Manipulating ndarrays | |
Lecture 4 | Broadcasting, Scalars and Matrix Multiplication | |
Lecture 5 | Manipulating Images as ndarrays | |
Lecture 6 | Learning Points & Summary |
Section 77 : Day 77 - Advanced - Linear Regression and Data Visualisation with Seaborn
Lecture 1 | Day 77 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | |
Lecture 2 | Explore and Clean the Data | |
Lecture 3 | Investigate the Films that had Zero Revenue | |
Lecture 4 | Filter on Multiple Conditions_ International Films | |
Lecture 5 | Seaborn Data Visualisation_ Bubble Charts | |
Lecture 6 | Floor Division_ A Trick to Convert Years to Decades | |
Lecture 7 | Plotting Linear Regressions with Seaborn | |
Lecture 8 | Use scikit-learn to Run Your Own Regression | |
Lecture 9 | Learning Points & Summary |
Section 78 : Day 78 - Advanced - Analysing the Nobel Prize with Plotly, Matplotlib & Seaborn
Section 79 : Day 79 - Advanced - The Tragic Discovery of Handwashing_ t-Tests & Distributions
Section 80 : Day 80 - Advanced - Capstone Project - Predict House Prices
Lecture 1 | Day 80 Goals_ what you will make by the end of the day | |
Lecture 2 | Solution & Learning Points |
Section 81 : Day 81 - Professional Portfolio Project - [Python Scripting]
Lecture 1 | The Road to Becoming a Professional Developer |
Section 82 : Day 82 - Professional Portfolio Project - [Python Web Development]
Lecture 1 | Where are the Videos and the Solution Code_ | 00:02:45 Duration |
Lecture 2 | [assignment] Portfolio Website |
Section 83 : Day 100 - Professional Portfolio Project - [Data Science]
Lecture 1 | [assignment] Predict Earnings using Multivariable Regression |
Section 84 : Day 83 - Professional Portfolio Project - [Python Scripting]
Lecture 1 | [assignment] Tic Tac Toe |
Section 85 : Day 84 - Professional Portfolio Project - [GUI]
Lecture 1 | [assignment] Image Watermarking Desktop App |
Section 86 : Day 85 - Professional Portfolio Project - [GUI]
Lecture 1 | [assignment] Typing Speed Test |
Section 87 : Day 86 - Professional Portfolio Project - [Game]
Lecture 1 | [assignment] Breakout Game |
Section 88 : Day 87 - Professional Portfolio Project - [Web Development]
Lecture 1 | [assignment] Cafe and Wifi Website |
Section 89 : Day 88 - Professional Portfolio Project - [Web Development]
Lecture 1 | [assignment] Todo List |
Section 90 : Day 89 - Professional Portfolio Project - [GUI Desktop App]
Lecture 1 | [assignment] Disappearing Text Writing App |
Section 91 : Day 90 - Professional Portfolio Project - [HTTP Requests & APIs]
Lecture 1 | [assignment] Convert PDF to Audiobook |
Section 92 : Day 91 - Professional Portfolio Project - [Image Processing & Data Science]
Lecture 1 | [assignment] Image Colour Palette Generator |
Section 93 :
Lecture 1 | [assignment] Custom Web Scraper |
Section 94 : Day 93 - Professional Portfolio Project - [GUI Automation]
Lecture 1 | [assignment] Automate the Google Dinosaur Game |
Section 95 : Day 94 - Professional Portfolio Project - [Game]
Lecture 1 | [assignment] Space Invaders |
Section 96 : Day 95 - Professional Portfolio Project - [HTTP Requests & APIs]
Lecture 1 | [assignment] Custom API Based Website |
Section 97 : Day 96 - Professional Portfolio Project - [Web Development]
Lecture 1 | [assignment] An Online Shop |
Section 98 : Day 97 - Professional Portfolio Project - [Python Automation]
Lecture 1 | [assignment] Custom Automation |
Section 99 : Day 98 - Professional Portfolio Project - [Data Science]
Lecture 1 | [assignment] Analyse and Visualise the Space Race |
Section 100 : Day 99 - Professional Portfolio Project - [Data Science]
Lecture 1 | [assignment] Analyse Deaths involving Police in the United States |