Best Assessment Platform to Recruit and Retain
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- You Access Sample MCQ’s and Coding Problems
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- BM Provides Requested skill Tests and Coding Problems
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Brainmeasures offers huge battery of 42 types of Testing Questions
Which will empower you to select best talent for your organization.


Multiple Response

True or False

Short Answers

Fill in the blank




Likert Scale


One Word

Approximate Solution


Sentence Completion

Complete and Balance the Equation

Paragraph Based Questions

Write and Balance the Equation

Write Chemical Reaction

Name the Following

File Upload




Video Based Questions

Image Based Questions

Audio Based Questions


Gaming Assessment Test Questions

Data Science

Code Review

Coding Question

Front end Developer

HTML/CSSs/ JavaScript

Back end Developer

Full Stack Developer

Database Engineer

Java Project


Machine Learning

Project Questions

We have a team of over
300 highly experienced and qualified professionals
We can develop the customized tests on any given topic or you can choose tests from
SEND REQUESTWe Help You To Hire Right Employee

Hire The Best
Our primary focus is to develop the tests in such a way the company can easily choose the best person

Experience Of 3,5 Or 10
We can develop the test according to the companies need such as, if they want the test to be designed to check people with three-year experience or 5 or 10

Quality Of Tests
Our top most priority is quality of Tests

Practical Approach
Tests developed with a practical approach and to check if the person has in-depth knowledge and can practically implement it, or is capable of working on live projects or he just has theoretical knowledge
We Are Developing Tests For Big Companies Since 2017

Now, we have launched our platform for companies who want to hire a right Employee which is hassle-free and convenient to use

We give you 100 percent customized tests, and we will send you to sample MCQ’s specifically designed to meet your requirements, only when you approve of them we will take your order

We offer unlimited revisions, but we are sure it is not gonna happen because we know our trade well. Testing candidates is what we are expert at

Tests will be multiple choice questions

We have a team of over 300 highly experienced and qualified professionals

We are 100 percent sure that you will approve in the first attempt as there will be no grammatical mistake, no question framing issues, questions strictly based on provided topics with 100 percent original content

How Brainmeasures Test Are Developed

Scope/ Definition/Discussion
panel of subject matter experts is formed who are professionals and have the exact knowledge and experience to write, review and edit test articles. They decide the most relevant and essential topics that need to be examined and tested so that every candidate is equally assessed on a common set of knowledge, skills and aptitudes.

Job Analysis/Curriculum Design
The subject matter experts perform brainstorming sessions of various comprehensive topics in which test questions have to be developed in order to collectively select the most significant topics that are appropriate in relation to the test taker’s job and deeply helps to assess the knowledge and performance of the test taker.

Test Specifications / Development
The questions selected in the test are based on a job analysis and the entire test is developed in such a way that it enables to check the knowledge of the candidate from the job perspective. Tests designed keeping the job perspective in mind leads to more effective screening of the knowledge and expertise of the test taker.

Technical Review
After the tests are developed, they are sent for a technical review within our organization. At this stage, our team of experienced and qualified faculty members examine the suitability and correctness of the test and help identify for any discrepancies. Technical reviews are extremely beneficial since they provide a significant number of views and recommendations for improved testing.

Pilot Testing
Brainmeasures strongly relies on in-house testing. The final tests are then sent for in-house testing where the tests are passed on to various candidates who take the test and check it’s usability and accuracy. This helps in providing us with honest feedback’s and suggestions in designing enhanced tests.

Once we have acquired the feedback from all the candidates, a collective feedback is given to the subject matter expert’s panel and the important aspects of the feedback are discussed and taken into consideration by them.

Final Review
After receiving the feedbacks, the subject matter experts make the necessary changes for improved and advanced test for the test takers.

Final Launch
Once the test has been tested, transformed and improved, it reaches its concluding stage and is finally launched.

Big corporates, 500 fortunes companies, Job web portals or other big companies that conduct Test challenges to select the best talent, Before they start employee hiring process, they include us in developing Test.
We never disappoint, this is the reason we are working with more than 200 companies and in business since 2017

Make An Enquiry Now !
The Best in the Business Trust Us
“We choose Brainmeasures because their product is far better than the products and services currently on the market. They also bring a lot of talents and unique ideas to the table.”