Section 1 : Organize the Life You Want to Live!
Lecture 2 | Quick Win! Throw Away or Give away One Thing Every Day | 00:00:57 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Organize Your Life for Maximum Joy and Fulfillment | 00:01:43 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Organize Your Life Around this One Question | 00:04:35 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Brutal Honesty Is Required for the Well-Organized Life | 00:02:55 Duration |
Lecture 6 | The Messy Desk of the Mad Creative Genius Won't Work for You | |
Lecture 7 | Great Feedback Is Central to Improving Organization in Your Life | 00:01:32 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Never Feel Guilty About Being Disorganized | 00:02:16 Duration |
Lecture 9 | More Decluttering and Enhanced Productivity Lead to the Well-Organized Life | 00:00:59 Duration |
Section 2 : Live a Clutter-Free Life!
Section 3 : A Stronger Framework for Decluttering Your World
Lecture 1 | The Overabundance of Stuff is Crowding Out Thought | 00:04:07 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Easiest solution don't buy junk in the First Place | 00:04:43 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Throw Stuff Away To Clear Your thoughts | 00:03:07 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Get Ready for Your SelfieSpeak Audio | 00:00:55 Duration |
Lecture 5 | You Control Your Possessions | 00:04:03 Duration |
Section 4 : Decluttering Your Home, Office and Life starts with Decluttering Your Brain
Lecture 1 | Dealing With the Source Of Disorganization in Your Brain | 00:01:29 Duration |
Lecture 2 | The Easiest Way to Rewire Your Brain | 00:09:13 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Passive Brainwashing for You | 00:06:39 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Don't Over-Complicate this Make the Simplest Audio Production Ever | 00:05:50 Duration |
Lecture 5 | No Problem If You Hate Technology | 00:02:40 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Simple Solutions to Common Problems When Making Your Audios | 00:02:08 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Nobody Likes the Sound of their Own Voice | 00:02:02 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Improving Every Single SelfieSpeak Audio | 00:01:03 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Time to Make Your Own Decluttering SelfieSpeak Program (SSP) | 00:01:34 Duration |
Section 5 : Home Improvement - Declutter Your Home Starting With Your Bedroom
Lecture 1 | You Can Have a clutter-Free Bedroom | 00:00:33 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Make Your Own Darn Bed | 00:01:02 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Keeping Clothes You Love | 00:02:08 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Shoes are Great, but Not The Ones You Never Wear | 00:03:21 Duration |
Lecture 5 | The Digital Detox for Your Bedroom | 00:01:09 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Get Rid Of Other Stuff That Doesn't Belong In Your Bedroom | 00:01:35 Duration |
Section 6 : Declutter Your Kitchen
Lecture 1 | Imagine the Beauty of a Clean, Clutter-Free Kitchen | 00:00:29 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Journey to the Back of Your Refrigerator | 00:02:53 Duration |
Lecture 3 | When, Exactly, Is the Last time You Used That Food Processor | 00:02:38 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Making Sure You Are Eating 21st Century Food | 00:01:54 Duration |
Lecture 5 | While You are Organizing Your Kitchen, Get Rid of Food That Is Killing You | 00:02:02 Duration |
Section 7 : Declutter Your Garage
Lecture 1 | Your Car Can and Should Fit In Your Garage | 00:00:23 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Eliminate Your Graveyard of Indecision | 00:03:26 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Tool Time for Inventory | 00:01:30 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Get It Off the Floor of Your Garage | 00:01:27 Duration |
Section 8 : Declutter the Rest of Your House
Lecture 1 | You Don't have to Be Instagram-Worthy, But | 00:00:51 Duration |
Lecture 2 | You Don't Need a Storage Room | 00:02:19 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Touch Every Object In Your House Now and Reflect | 00:00:47 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Junk Your Junk Mail Now | 00:01:47 Duration |
Lecture 5 | You Aren't obligated to Become a Permanent Museum for Wedding Presents | 00:01:40 Duration |
Section 9 : Your Kids Can Be Guided Toward Clutter-Free Living
Lecture 1 | Your Kids Can Help, Not Hurt, Your efforts to Declutter - Really! | 00:00:24 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Here Is How You Can Ethically Bribe Your Kids to Get Rid of Old Toys | 00:02:20 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Make Your Own Bed Kid! | 00:02:33 Duration |
Section 10 : You Can Have a Yard You Are Proud Of
Lecture 1 | Your Yard Can Be Clean and Attractive | 00:00:20 Duration |
Lecture 2 | The Sun, Rain, and Wind Are Great Clutter-Creating Machines | 00:02:26 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Figure Out What Is Natural Versus What Is Unsightly Weeds | 00:02:58 Duration |
Section 11 : Your Car Can Look Great, Inside and Out
Lecture 1 | Make Your Car a Joy to Enter | 00:00:56 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Put a Garbage Can In Your Car | 00:00:56 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Never Confuse Your Car with a Free Mobile Self-Storage Unit | 00:02:31 Duration |
Lecture 4 | You Can Put More Than Gloves in Your Glove Compartment, But | 00:01:13 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Your Car is Not a Pantry | 00:00:49 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Wash The Outside and Inside of Your Car Occasionally | 00:01:00 Duration |
Section 12 : Oops, We Almost Forgot the Attic and Basement
Lecture 1 | Sure, You Could Use Your Attic and Basement for Storage, But | 00:00:41 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Make Sure You Aren't Storing a Fire Hazard | 00:00:45 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Your Attic Is Not Auditioning for a Role In an Old Movie | 00:01:44 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Don't Force Your Kids To Sort Through Your Junk When You Die | 00:00:53 Duration |
Section 13 : Create A Home Office You Look Forward to Stepping Into Each Day
Lecture 1 | Your Home Office Needs to Look Good and Impress One Person You | 00:00:32 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Never Touch Paper More Than Once | 00:01:07 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Look At Email Once and Deal With It | 00:02:29 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Your Home Office Can look Inviting and Conducive for Work | 00:01:50 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Nobody Is Impressed With Your Book Collection Get Rid Of books You Don't Use | 00:01:47 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Don't Fool Yourself, You Are Not More Creative With a Messy Desk | 00:01:07 Duration |
Section 14 : Don't Let Your Computer Be a Digital Clutter Magnet
Lecture 1 | Your Clutter-Free Computer | 00:00:25 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Email Isn't Going Away | 00:00:25 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Don't Let Email Consume Your Day | 00:01:11 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Once a Day, Your Email Box Needs to Be Empty | 00:01:21 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Limit How Often You Check Your Email | 00:02:30 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Shorter Is Better | 00:01:06 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Use Your Subject Line to Maximum Advantage | 00:01:24 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Create Categories and Folders for Your Email | 00:01:20 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Make Your Email Address Top Secret Or At Least Semi-Secret | 00:02:24 Duration |
Lecture 10 | Don't Respond to Email Unless Absolutely Necessary | 00:00:38 Duration |
Lecture 11 | Productive People Still Use Old, Boring Email Newsletters Because They Work | 00:03:32 Duration |
Lecture 12 | What You Need to Know About Texting to Enhance Productivity | 00:03:39 Duration |
Section 15 : Miscellaneous Areas Of Life You May Need to Declutter
Lecture 1 | A Few Other Areas to Declutter | 00:00:08 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Never Check a Suitcase or Bag When Traveling | 00:03:57 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Purses, Wallets, and Briefcases - Don't Turn Them Into Dumping Grounds | 00:02:45 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Time to Declutter Negative People from Your Life | 00:01:50 Duration |
Section 16 : Reducing Clutter to Your Brain
Lecture 1 | Clear Out the Garbage that is Cluttering Up Your Brain | 00:01:00 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Declutter Your Brain by Writing a Daily Journal | 00:00:55 Duration |
Lecture 3 | The Source of Your Pollution | 00:05:16 Duration |
Lecture 4 | A News Junkie is still a Junkie | 00:05:04 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Your Perfect Media Diet | 00:06:24 Duration |
Section 17 : The #1 Source of Clutter in Your Life Is Your Cell Phone
Lecture 1 | Gain Mastery Over Your Cell Phone | 00:00:53 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Cell Phone Hygiene | 00:04:11 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Block, Tackle, Turn Off | 00:06:24 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Schedule Your Cell Phone Time for maximum Productivity and Happiness | 00:02:25 Duration |
Lecture 5 | SelfieSpeak Audio to Gain Control of Your Cell Phone | 00:04:33 Duration |
Section 18 : Declutter Your Body Now
Section 19 : Fundamentals on Personal Productivity
Section 20 : Create The Highly Productive Daily Habits Used By Highly Productive People
Section 21 : Having a Broader And Deeper Perspective On Your Personal Productivity
Lecture 1 | The Personal Productivity Bigger Picture | 00:01:01 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Productivity Motivation is Overrated | 00:02:08 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Everyone Has Habits | 00:01:38 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Your Brand Is Not Your Logo, It is What You Produce on a Regular Basis | 00:03:09 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Nothing Bad Has Ever Happened By Showing Up on Time | 00:03:30 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Do This To Be on Time | 00:02:26 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Managing Your Procrastination Demons | 00:02:54 Duration |
Lecture 8 | The Highest Price of All Switching Costs | 00:01:16 Duration |
Lecture 9 | This Is How You Find Your Grove | 00:02:29 Duration |
Lecture 10 | The Lazy Man's and Lazy Woman's Guide to Productivity | 00:03:13 Duration |
Lecture 11 | Why You Don't Need a Bolt of Lightening | 00:02:27 Duration |
Section 22 : Create The Ideal Productivity Environment
Lecture 1 | Creating a Productive Surrounding | 00:04:30 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Making Your Desk Make You More Productive | 00:03:04 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Yes, Home Offices Can Be Wildly Productive, If You Do This | 00:02:36 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Quiet Please! Genius Working Here | 00:01:39 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Turns Out, Your Mother Was Right About Keeping Tidy | 00:07:35 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Take a Break Already! | 00:02:35 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Drawing Your Way to Productivity Success | 00:01:29 Duration |
Section 23 : Constant Personal Productivity Improvement
Lecture 1 | Productivity Tips Come From Everywhere | 00:01:29 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Eliminate the Clutter of Daily Activity | 00:03:03 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Complexity Can Add Value, But Make Sure You Have Proof | 00:01:40 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Measure 2 or Even 3 Times In Advance | 00:02:21 Duration |
Lecture 5 | It's OK To Start with Baby Steps | 00:01:42 Duration |
Section 24 : Make Meetings Work for You
Lecture 1 | Meetings Can Add to Your Productive, But Only When Done the Right Way | 00:00:15 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Meetings Can Be Run Efficiently | 00:01:00 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Productive Entertainment Consumption | 00:01:17 Duration |
Lecture 4 | First Choice, The Virtual Meeting | 00:00:43 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Send a Surrogate | 00:00:37 Duration |
Lecture 6 | No Agenda, No Meeting | 00:00:42 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Your Meeting Needs To Run This Way | 00:00:37 Duration |
Lecture 8 | A Standing Ovation for Your Next Productive Meeting | 00:00:30 Duration |
Lecture 9 | The Amazon Way to Run Great Meetings | 00:02:17 Duration |
Section 25 : Setting Goals that Mean Something
Lecture 1 | Meaningful Goals for You | 00:03:49 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Resolve to Never Make Resolutions | 00:01:41 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Plan, But At Some Point You Must Start | 00:02:16 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Fail Faster and Better | 00:02:51 Duration |
Section 26 : The Philosophy Of Highly Productive People
Lecture 1 | Here Is How You Can Have the Same Perspective As Highly Productive People | 00:00:33 Duration |
Lecture 2 | You Determine Your Own Productivity Fate | 00:03:42 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Productive People Have a Growth Mindset | 00:03:04 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Optimism and Productivity Go Hand in Hand | 00:02:06 Duration |
Lecture 5 | This is the Golden Age for Personal Productivity | 00:04:48 Duration |
Lecture 6 | The Gatekeepers Can No Longer Stop Your Productivity | 00:06:22 Duration |
Lecture 7 | A Golden Age for the Productive and the Lazy | 00:01:59 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Personal Productivity Is Very Different Today Versus Most of Human History | 00:04:07 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Learn from the Past, but Don't Be Shackled By It | 00:01:41 Duration |
Lecture 10 | Don't Let Negative News Sap Your Productivity | 00:09:10 Duration |
Section 27 : Improving Telephone Communication Skills
Section 28 : Expanding Your Personal Productivity Mindset
Section 29 : Aiming for High Productivity, Avoiding Productivity Pitfalls
Section 30 : Conclusion - Your New, Well-Organized Life
Lecture 1 | Please Share What Organizing Tips Work for You | 00:00:50 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Please Help Organize this Course Even More Effectively | 00:00:42 Duration |
Lecture 3 | One Last Chance to Make This Course Better for Your Permanent Learning Library |