Section 1 : Getting Started with iOS Development and Swift 5
Lecture 1 | About Certification | |
Lecture 2 | Download the Course Syllabus | |
Lecture 4 | How does an App Work | 00:07:46 Duration |
Lecture 5 | About Proctor Testing | |
Lecture 7 | Download your Massive Bundle of Assets | |
Lecture 8 | Download the 12 Rules to Learn to Code eBook PDF | |
Lecture 9 | How to Make the Most of the Bootcamp | 00:05:32 Duration |
Lecture 10 | How to Get Help When You're Stuck | 00:05:32 Duration |
Lecture 11 | About Certification | |
Lecture 12 | About Proctor Testing | |
Lecture 13 | Getting set up with Xcode | 00:04:17 Duration |
Lecture 14 | Pathfinder |
Section 2 : Xcode Storyboards and Interface Builder
Lecture 1 | The I am Rich App | 00:02:57 Duration |
Lecture 2 | A Note About the Next Lesson | |
Lecture 3 | Let's Create a Brand New Xcode Project | 00:05:30 Duration |
Lecture 4 | A Walkthrough of the Xcode Development Environment | 00:14:12 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Let's Design the User Interface! | 00:16:42 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Let's Incorporate Some Image Assets | 00:10:35 Duration |
Lecture 7 | How to Design and Add an App Icon | 00:09:09 Duration |
Lecture 8 | A Note About the Next Lesson | |
Lecture 9 | Run Your App on Your iPhone or Simulator | 00:13:03 Duration |
Lecture 10 | About Proctor Testing | |
Lecture 11 | How to Ace this Course | 00:01:24 Duration |
Section 3 : Xcode Storyboard and Interface Builder Challenge
Lecture 1 | What You Will Create | |
Lecture 2 | Step 1 Create a New Xcode Project | |
Lecture 3 | Step 2 Add a Label Element from the Object Library | |
Lecture 4 | Step 3 Add an Image View to the Storyboard | |
Lecture 5 | Step 4 Add an App Icon | |
Lecture 6 | Step 5 Run Your App | |
Lecture 7 | Step 6 Show off your work! | |
Lecture 8 | Tip - Habit Building with the Calendar Trick | 00:02:52 Duration |
Section 4 : Swift Programming Basics - Collections, Constants & Variables
Section 5 : Swift Programming Basics Challenge
Lecture 1 | What You Will Create | |
Lecture 2 | Step 1 Clone the Starting Project | |
Lecture 3 | Step 2 Design the User Interface | |
Lecture 4 | Step 3 Link Up the Design with Code | |
Lecture 5 | Step 4 Use Code to Change the 8 Ball Image | |
Lecture 6 | Step 5 Make the Ball Image Random | |
Lecture 7 | Step 6 Show off your work! | |
Lecture 8 | About Certification | |
Lecture 9 | Tip - Nothing Easy is Worth Doing! | 00:03:35 Duration |
Section 6 : Auto Layout and Responsive UIs
Lecture 1 | Why do we need Auto Layout | 00:02:58 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Size Classes Explained | 00:06:34 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Setting Constraints and working with the Safe Area | 00:08:58 Duration |
Lecture 4 | How to use Alignment and Pinning | 00:05:52 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Working with Containers and Subviews | 00:06:49 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Stack Views | 00:10:27 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Auto Layout (Optional) Boss Challenge | |
Lecture 8 | Download the Completed Project | |
Lecture 9 | Calculator Challenge Solution and Walkthrough | 00:09:58 Duration |
Lecture 10 | Tip - How to Deal with Procrastination | 00:04:07 Duration |
Section 7 : Using and Understanding Apple Documentation
Lecture 1 | What You'll Make by the End of this Module | 00:02:18 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Setting up the Xylophone Project | 00:04:46 Duration |
Lecture 3 | The 5 Step Approach to Solve Any Programming Problem | 00:24:41 Duration |
Lecture 4 | [Swift Deep Dive] Functions and Scope | 00:10:47 Duration |
Lecture 5 | [Coding Exercise] Functions Part 1 | |
Lecture 6 | Linking Multiple Buttons to the Same IBAction | 00:10:10 Duration |
Lecture 7 | [Swift Deep Dive] Functions with Inputs and Type Inference | 00:09:54 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Playing Different Xylophone Sounds | 00:04:30 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Boss Challenge | |
Lecture 10 | About Proctor Testing | |
Lecture 11 | Tip - Building a Programming Habit | 00:02:46 Duration |
Section 8 : Intermediate Swift Programming - Control Flow and Optionals
Lecture 1 | What You'll Make by the End of this Module | 00:00:47 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Setting up the Egg Timer Project and Linking the Storyboard and ViewController | 00:09:34 Duration |
Lecture 3 | [Swift Deep Dive] If-Else Control Flow | 00:12:28 Duration |
Lecture 4 | [Swift Deep Dive] Switch Statements | 00:07:27 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Conditional Statements Challenge Solution | 00:04:53 Duration |
Lecture 6 | [Swift Deep Dive] Dictionaries | 00:03:55 Duration |
Lecture 7 | [Swift Deep Dive] Defining and Unwrapping Optionals | 00:10:58 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Dictionary Challenge Solution | 00:06:17 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Implementing a Countdown Timer Challenge | |
Lecture 10 | Egg Timer Challenge Solution | 00:08:12 Duration |
Lecture 11 | Showing the Timer to the User with a Progress View | 00:05:38 Duration |
Lecture 12 | Calculating the Progress Percentage | 00:07:39 Duration |
Lecture 13 | Using the 5 Step Approach to Debug our App | 00:11:08 Duration |
Lecture 14 | About Proctor Testing | |
Lecture 15 | Tip- Set Your Expectations | 00:02:35 Duration |
Section 9 : iOS App Design Patterns and Code Structuring
Lecture 1 | What You'll Make by the End of this Module | 00:01:17 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Setting up the Quizzler Project and Showing the Questions | 00:11:02 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Checking Answers using 2-Dimensional Arrays | 00:12:28 Duration |
Lecture 4 | [Swift Deep Dive] Structures, Methods and Properties | 00:23:00 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Giving the User Feedback and working with a ProgressView | 00:10:16 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Understand the MVC Design Pattern | 00:07:57 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Implementing MVC and Understanding Parameter Names | 00:09:47 Duration |
Lecture 9 | [Swift Deep Dive] Functions with Outputs and Return Types | 00:05:53 Duration |
Lecture 10 | Refactoring to Implement the MVC Design Pattern | 00:08:41 Duration |
Lecture 11 | [Swift Deep Dive] Immutability | 00:07:29 Duration |
Lecture 12 | Using Mutating Functions to Track the Score | 00:09:27 Duration |
Lecture 13 | Download the Completed App Project | |
Lecture 14 | Tip - The 20 Minute Method | 00:02:38 Duration |
Section 10 : iOS App Design Pattern Challenge
Lecture 1 | What You'll Create | |
Lecture 2 | Step 1 Clone the Starting Project | |
Lecture 3 | Step 2 Update the storyLabel and Button Titles | |
Lecture 4 | Step 3 Create a Structure | |
Lecture 5 | Step 4 Update the Story | |
Lecture 6 | Step 5 Apply MVC | |
Lecture 7 | Step 6 Make the StoryBrain more Scalable | |
Lecture 8 | Step 7 Show off your Work! | |
Lecture 9 | Download the Completed App Project | |
Lecture 10 | Tip - Retrieval is How You Learn | 00:02:52 Duration |
Section 11 : Advanced Swift Programming - Classes, Inheritance & Advanced Optionals
Lecture 1 | What You'll Make by the End of this Module | 00:01:23 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Learn How to Use a UISlider | 00:14:39 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Using the UISliders to Calculate the BMI | 00:06:42 Duration |
Lecture 4 | [Swift Deep Dive] Classes and Inheritance | 00:22:05 Duration |
Lecture 5 | [Swift Deep Dive] Structs v | 00:13:11 Duration |
Lecture 6 | How to Use the Docs in Xcode and Create a Custom UIViewController Class | 00:07:09 Duration |
Lecture 7 | How to Create a UI Programatically and Pass Data between ViewControllers | 00:13:07 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Segues and Navigation for Multi-Screen Apps | 00:24:58 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Adopting MVC by Creating a CalculatorBrain | 00:11:03 Duration |
Lecture 10 | [Swift Deep Dive] Optional Binding, Chaining, and the Nil Coalescing Operator | 00:13:52 Duration |
Lecture 11 | Use Optionals in Practice and Add the Finishing Touches with Colour Literals | 00:22:01 Duration |
Lecture 12 | Download the Completed App Project | |
Lecture 13 | Tip - Learning Before you Eat | 00:02:06 Duration |
Section 12 : Advanced Swift Programming Challenge
Lecture 1 | What You'll Make | |
Lecture 2 | Step 1 Clone the Starting Project | |
Lecture 3 | Step 2 Create IBActions and IBOutlets for the Calculator Screen | |
Lecture 4 | Step 3 Create IBActions and IBOutlets for the Results Screen | |
Lecture 5 | Step 4 Figure out how much Tip to Apply | |
Lecture 6 | Step 5 Figure out how Many People to Split the Bill Between | |
Lecture 7 | Step 6 Calculate the Bill | |
Lecture 8 | Step 7 Pass the Result to the ResultsViewController | |
Lecture 9 | Download the Completed App Project | |
Lecture 10 | Tip - Dealing with Lack of Progress | 00:03:08 Duration |
Section 13 : Networking, JSON Parsing, APIs and Core Location
Section 14 : Networking and API Challenge
Lecture 1 | What You Will Make | |
Lecture 2 | Step 1 Clone the Starting Project | |
Lecture 3 | Step 2 UIPickerView Functionality | |
Lecture 4 | Introducing coinapi | 00:03:13 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Step 3 Make the API Request | |
Lecture 6 | Step 4 Parse the JSON Data | |
Lecture 7 | Step 5 Update the User Interface Using the Delegate Pattern | |
Lecture 8 | Step 6 Refactor with Extensions | |
Lecture 9 | Download the Completed App Project | |
Lecture 10 | Tip - Dealing with Frustration | 00:02:31 Duration |
Section 15 : Firebase Cloud Firestore, TableViews and Cocoapod Dependencies
Section 16 : The Command Line and Terminal
Lecture 1 | Introduction to the Command Line | 00:06:53 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Command Line Shortcuts | 00:12:52 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Directory and File Manipulation Using the Command Line + Bonus | 00:10:40 Duration |
Section 17 : SwiftUI and Declarative Programming
Section 18 : Git, GitHub and Version Control
Lecture 1 | Introduction to Version Control and Git | 00:02:35 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Version Control Using Git and the Command Line | 00:15:02 Duration |
Lecture 3 | GitHub and Remote Repositories | 00:11:00 Duration |
Lecture 4 | GitHub Private Repos are now Free! | |
Lecture 5 | Gitignore | 00:12:02 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Cloning Repositories | 00:05:05 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Branching and Merging | 00:17:25 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Using Xcode for Source Control | 00:19:39 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Forking and Pull Requests | 00:17:08 Duration |
Lecture 10 | Optional Challenge | |
Lecture 11 | Tip from Angela - Spaced Repetition | 00:04:01 Duration |
Section 19 : Local Data Persistance - User Defaults, Core Data and Realm
Section 20 : In-App Purchases and Apple StoreKit
Lecture 1 | What You'll Need to Implement In-App Purchases | 00:05:40 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Download the Skeleton Project | |
Lecture 3 | Check out the Skeleton Project | 00:02:44 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Setup Your In-App Purchase on App Store Connect | 00:14:25 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Create an Inspirational Quotes App | 00:08:22 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Detecting When a User Wants to Make a Purchase | 00:09:25 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Implementing the In-App Purchase with Apple StoreKit | 00:12:51 Duration |
Lecture 8 | A Quick Note About the Next Lesson | |
Lecture 9 | Create Sandbox Users on the App Store to Test In-App Purchases for Free | 00:12:03 Duration |
Lecture 10 | Giving Users Access to Purchased Content | 00:11:33 Duration |
Lecture 11 | Restoring In-App Purchases | 00:07:06 Duration |
Lecture 12 | Download the Completed App Project | |
Lecture 13 | Tip - Use Accountability in your Favour | 00:02:55 Duration |
Section 21 : Advanced Swift Classroom - Part 1
Lecture 1 | Introduction to the Advanced Section | |
Lecture 2 | Advanced Swift Properties | 00:02:25 Duration |
Lecture 3 | A Quick Note About the Next Lesson | |
Lecture 4 | Getters | 00:08:31 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Setters | 00:02:40 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Computed Properties | 00:05:33 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Observed Properties | 00:05:52 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Advanced Properties Challenge | 00:07:52 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Tip - When Life Gives You Lemons | 00:06:01 Duration |
Section 22 : Advanced Swift Classroom - Part 2
Lecture 1 | What We'll Make - Calculator | 00:02:25 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Download the Skeleton Project | |
Lecture 3 | Accumulating Numbers in the Calculator | 00:14:50 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Swift Access Levels | 00:17:01 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Advanced Swift Optionals | 00:13:01 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Adding More Functionality to Our Calculator | 00:04:27 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Dealing with the Decimal Place | 00:05:30 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Refactoring with Computed Properties | 00:06:58 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Conforming to MVC | 00:17:54 Duration |
Lecture 10 | Swift Structs vs | 00:05:55 Duration |
Lecture 11 | Swift Structs vs | 00:25:04 Duration |
Lecture 12 | How to Turn Our Model into a Struct | 00:12:17 Duration |
Lecture 13 | Swift Tuples | 00:04:20 Duration |
Lecture 14 | Guard Let vs | 00:18:42 Duration |
Lecture 15 | Download the Completed App Project | |
Lecture 16 | Tip - Find All the Hard Working People | 00:02:01 Duration |
Section 23 : CoreML and Machine Learning
Lecture 1 | Introduction to Machine Learning | 00:05:02 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Supervised Learning | 00:14:09 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Unsupervised Learning | 00:06:09 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Reinforcement Learning | 00:07:13 Duration |
Lecture 5 | What is CoreML | 00:06:51 Duration |
Lecture 6 | What we'll be making | 00:02:21 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Download the Vision V3 Pre-Trained Machine Learning Model | |
Lecture 8 | How to Import the Image Recognition Model & Enable Camera Functionality | 00:21:54 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Getting Image Recognition Results Back from Our V3 Model | 00:14:24 Duration |
Lecture 10 | Hotdog or Not Hotdog | 00:07:16 Duration |
Lecture 11 | Download the Completed App Project | |
Lecture 12 | Tip - Daily Routines | 00:02:34 Duration |
Section 24 : Advanced CoreML - CoreML Tools & Converting Models
Section 25 : CreateML - Building Your Own Machine Learning Model from Scratch
Lecture 1 | Introduction to CreateML | 00:04:37 Duration |
Lecture 2 | How to Gather Data for Training | 00:10:02 Duration |
Lecture 3 | How to Train a Brand New Machine Learning Model | 00:12:59 Duration |
Lecture 4 | [Challenge] Build Your Own Machine Learning Model | 00:06:48 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Download the Completed Model | |
Lecture 6 | Tip - One Step at a Time | 00:02:54 Duration |
Section 26 : CreateML & Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Lecture 1 | What We'll Make - Twitter Sentiment Analysis | 00:06:13 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Using CreateML for Natural Language Processing | 00:20:45 Duration |
Lecture 3 | How to Sign Up as a Twitter Developer | 00:13:23 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Setting Up the Swifter Framework | 00:17:10 Duration |
Lecture 5 | How to Fetch Live Twitter Data | 00:13:18 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Performing Sentiment Classification | 00:06:16 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Parsing Tweet Data in JSON | 00:10:16 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Making Batch Predictions | 00:10:20 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Updating the User Interface of Our App | 00:08:05 Duration |
Lecture 10 | Code Refactoring | 00:08:50 Duration |
Lecture 11 | Download the Completed App Project | |
Lecture 12 | Tip - Discipline Breeds Discipline | 00:02:20 Duration |
Section 27 : ARKit & Augmented Reality Apps
Lecture 1 | Introduction to Augmented Reality and ARKit | 00:08:06 Duration |
Lecture 2 | How to Setup and Configure Your Project for AR | 00:11:58 Duration |
Lecture 3 | How to Create a 3D Object in Augmented Reality | 00:09:24 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Bring the Moon into Your Living Room Using AR | 00:03:43 Duration |
Lecture 5 | How to Find and Import 3D Models for AR | 00:11:30 Duration |
Lecture 6 | How to Detect Horizontal Planes in the Real World | 00:18:19 Duration |
Lecture 7 | How to Detect Touch on Real World 3D Objects | 00:07:08 Duration |
Lecture 8 | How to Place Our Dice in 3D Using Touch | 00:06:49 Duration |
Lecture 9 | How to Animate 3D Objects in AR | 00:06:17 Duration |
Lecture 10 | How to Animate and Roll all the 3D Dice at Once | 00:05:00 Duration |
Lecture 11 | How to Remove Our 3D Objects from the AR Scene | |
Lecture 12 | [Optional Lesson] Refactoring Our Code for Better Readability | 00:08:39 Duration |
Lecture 13 | Download the Completed App Project | |
Lecture 14 | Tip - Dealing with Limitations | 00:05:22 Duration |
Section 28 : Advanced ARKit
Lecture 1 | What We'll Make By the End of this Module | 00:00:33 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Detecting the Start and End Points of Our Measurement | 00:12:20 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Calculating the Distance Between Two 3D points | 00:15:05 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Creating 3D Text in the AR Scene | 00:07:08 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Resetting the Measurements | 00:05:12 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Download the Completed App Project |
Section 29 : ARKit 2 and Live Tracking
Lecture 1 | What We'll Make - Pokemon 3D | 00:04:36 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Adding Tracking Images | 00:13:17 Duration |
Lecture 3 | How to Add Plane to Card | 00:09:44 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Converting 3D Models to the New USDZ File Format | 00:07:47 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Adding 3D Pokemon Modes to Card Tracking | 00:11:11 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Tracking Multiple Pokemons | 00:14:14 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Download the Completed Project | |
Lecture 8 | Tip - Imposter Syndrome | 00:02:06 Duration |
Section 30 : ARKit 2 & Live Video
Lecture 1 | What We'll Make - A Magical Newspaper | 00:01:18 Duration |
Lecture 2 | How to Source the Assets | 00:04:01 Duration |
Lecture 3 | [Challenge] Detecting Images in AR | 00:12:25 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Video Playback in AR | 00:08:35 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Download the Completed App Project | |
Lecture 6 | Tip - How to Become a Freelancer |
Section 31 : How to Submit Your App to the App Store
Lecture 1 | How to Publish Your App on to the App Store | 00:10:54 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Resources to Check Out When You're Ready to Publish | |
Lecture 3 | Useful Tools to Help You with App Submissions | 00:02:43 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Tip - How to Build Your Own Products | 00:02:14 Duration |
Section 32 : What's Next How to Become a Pro iOS Developer
Lecture 1 | Tip from Angela - How to Get a Job as a Developer | 00:02:06 Duration |
Lecture 2 | About Certification | |
Lecture 3 | Where to Go From Here | 00:12:23 Duration |
Lecture 4 | About Proctor Testing | |
Lecture 5 | What Modules Do You Want to See | |
Section 33 : Bonus The Complete App Design Course
Section 34 : Bonus The Complete App Marketing Course
Section 35 : Bonus Module Ask Angela Anything
Lecture 1 | AAA 1 - How to Soak in Programming Concepts & much more | 00:39:42 Duration |
Lecture 2 | AAA 2 - Schedule for Learning to Code & much more | 00:39:08 Duration |
Lecture 3 | AAA 3 - How to Start Freelancing & much more | 00:25:19 Duration |
Lecture 4 | AAA 4 - The Live AMA |