Section 1 : REST API Basics and Terminology

Lecture 2 Introduction to REST API and where it is used i 00:10:02 Duration
Lecture 3 Real time Usage of API's in industry with Examp
Lecture 4 Understanding GET, POST, PUT DELETE Http Crud o 00:11:36 Duration
Lecture 5 What are Path,Query Parameters & Headers in Re 00:11:18 Duration
Lecture 6 Notes Download

Section 2 : 5 hours of Java Tutorials for Basics brushup

Lecture 1 brush up on Java concepts

Section 3 : Getting started with API Testing using Postman

Lecture 1 About Certification
Lecture 2 Introduction to POSTMAN and Google Maps API's 00:08:13 Duration
Lecture 3 Understand Add Place API and execute it throug 00:06:55 Duration
Lecture 4 Understand Get & Delete Place API using GET,De 00:11:09 Duration
Lecture 5 Update Place API using PUT http method using P 00:06:19 Duration
Lecture 6 Google Maps POSTMAN Code Download

Section 4 : Rest Assured setup for API Automation Testing

Lecture 1 Introduction on Test API's 00:09:11 Duration
Lecture 2 Setting up Test Project with RestAssured API's 00:08:43 Duration
Lecture 3 About Certification
Lecture 4 Build Rest API Automation Test to Add Place an 00:16:35 Duration

Section 5 : Validating the Rest API Responses

Lecture 1 Code Download
Lecture 2 Assertions on Json Response Body and Headers t 00:10:15 Duration
Lecture 3 Parsing the Json Response body using JsonPath 00:08:50 Duration
Lecture 4 Integrating the Multiple API's with common Jso 00:07:27 Duration
Lecture 5 Building End to End Automation using GET, POST 00:10:45 Duration
Lecture 6 Importance of JunitTestNG Assertions in valida 00:06:22 Duration

Section 6 : Diving in Depth-Automating REST API's

Lecture 1 Understanding Structure of Complex Nested Json 00:09:07 Duration
Lecture 2 Json used in this Section with Queries to solv
Lecture 3 Retrieving the Json Array Size and its element 00:07:33 Duration
Lecture 4 Iterating over every element of Json Array and 00:10:05 Duration
Lecture 5 Retrieving Json Nodes on Condition logic using 00:07:35 Duration
Lecture 6 Real Time example to solve Business logic thro 00:14:25 Duration
Lecture 7 Code Download

Section 7 : Handling Dynamic Json Payloads with Parameterization

Lecture 1 Why Dynamic Json payloads are important to und 00:04:58 Duration
Lecture 2 Introduction to Library API 00:05:55 Duration
Lecture 3 Rest Assured Test for Library API Add Book htt 00:07:04 Duration
Lecture 4 Sending parameters to payload from Test 00:12:09 Duration
Lecture 5 Understanding TestNg Data provider for paramet 00:11:00 Duration
Lecture 6 Example on Parameterization of API Tests with 00:07:18 Duration
Lecture 7 code download
Lecture 8 How to handle with static json payloads 00:06:37 Duration
Lecture 9 code download

Section 8 : Real world Example-Automating Jira API's

Lecture 1 Please note
Lecture 2 How Jira API Works 00:11:03 Duration
Lecture 3 Important Note
Lecture 4 Cookie Authentication API for Jira requests 00:16:26 Duration
Lecture 5 Jira GET,POST API Scripting for creating bugs 00:14:10 Duration
Lecture 6 Defining Path Parameters in Rest Assured code 00:12:43 Duration
Lecture 7 Importance of Session Filter cookie in Rest As 00:10:24 Duration
Lecture 8 Important Note
Lecture 9 Sending Attachments to Rest API using MultiPar 00:11:56 Duration
Lecture 10 Integrating Query Params and Path Params in 00:07:16 Duration
Lecture 11 Parsing Complex Jira Json response to retrieve 00:13:31 Duration
Lecture 12 Importance of Assertions and Https Validations 00:05:16 Duration
Lecture 13 Code Download

Section 9 : Handling GoogleFacebook oauth 2.0 Authorization Grant types

Lecture 1 Introduction to OAuth 2.0 and different Grant 00:12:24 Duration
Lecture 2 Understand Grant Type Authorization flow with
Lecture 3 Flow procedure in achieving OAuth 2.0 Authenti 00:25:13 Duration
Lecture 4 Details on Practise OAuth 2.0 project to retri 00:10:22 Duration
Lecture 5 Postman Projects Download

Section 10 : Rest Assured Automation for OAuth 2.0 Authorization code

Lecture 1 Building up Rest Assured Automation Test for 00:15:18 Duration
Lecture 2 Integration Web UI Automation to generate Auth 00:07:01 Duration
Lecture 3 Formatting URL String to retrieve code using 00:15:02 Duration
Lecture 4 Code download
Lecture 5 How to deal with Client Credentials Grant type 00:12:36 Duration

Section 11 : Deserialization using POJO classes with Rest Assured

Lecture 1 What is Serialization and Deserialization in 00:15:12 Duration
Lecture 2 Libraries needed to support Serialization in R 00:12:00 Duration
Lecture 3 Strategies in Parsing Complex nested Json usin 00:18:41 Duration
Lecture 4 Creating POJO classes for the real time Nested 00:17:21 Duration
Lecture 5 End to end Automation examples using POJO Dese 00:12:31 Duration
Lecture 6 Solving Complex Queries from Json with simple 00:13:24 Duration
Lecture 7 Solving Complex Queries from Json with simple 00:15:43 Duration
Lecture 8 How to showcase API Testing experience to recr
Lecture 9 Code download

Section 12 : Serialization of Input Payload using Google Maps API Example

Lecture 1 Google Maps Add Place Json to implement Serial 00:10:21 Duration
Lecture 2 Build POJO classes for constructing Json Paylo 00:10:34 Duration
Lecture 3 Complete End to end Test case with Serializati
Lecture 4 Where to download Code

Section 13 : Understand Request and Response Spec Builders in Rest Assure

Lecture 1 Significance of Spec Builders in Rest Assured 00:11:42 Duration
Lecture 2 Practical Example in implementing Spec Builder 00:13:18 Duration
Lecture 3 Code Download

Section 14 : REST API Framework Learning PlanMust WATCH

Lecture 1 About Proctor Testing

Section 15 : Maven and Cucumber Basics (SKIP IF YOU ALREADY KNOW BASICS)

Lecture 1 Importance of Maven in Framework development 00:10:58 Duration
Lecture 2 Installing and configuring Maven 00:11:05 Duration
Lecture 3 Understanding Terminologies of Maven 00:15:54 Duration
Lecture 4 Creating Maven Project and importing into ecli 00:11:17 Duration
Lecture 5 CheckPoint
Lecture 6 Introduction to Cucumber
Lecture 7 What is Gherkin syntax and how it works 00:16:31 Duration
Lecture 8 Understand the Cucumber Scenarios Usage 00:16:09 Duration
Lecture 9 Feature files and StepDefination Importance 00:03:54 Duration
Lecture 10 cucumber project creation template 00:11:33 Duration
Lecture 11 Understanding cucumber dependencies 00:11:38 Duration
Lecture 12 Understand the Terminologies of Automation 00:15:21 Duration
Lecture 13 Mapping step defination to feature file 00:11:08 Duration
Lecture 14 Tidygherkin plugin to generate step defination 00:09:28 Duration
Lecture 15 Running the Tests with testRunner. 00:14:01 Duration
Lecture 16 importance of regular expressions in feature 00:13:05 Duration
Lecture 17 How to reuse functions with different data 00:13:45 Duration

Section 16 : Cucumber BDD API Framework Development from Scratch - 1

Lecture 1 CheckPoint before starting Framework lectures
Lecture 2 Creating Maven project with Cucumber Rest Assu 00:09:46 Duration
Lecture 3 Building Cucumber Feature file for Rest Assure 00:09:34 Duration
Lecture 4 Building Test Runner and Step Definition file 00:13:33 Duration
Lecture 5 Implementing Real code in Step Definition fil 00:14:06 Duration
Lecture 6 Running the Test in Cucumber Standards with 00:15:01 Duration
Lecture 7 Building Utility Files and Implement Logging 00:11:49 Duration
Lecture 8 Implement Mechanism to drive Global property 00:12:17 Duration
Lecture 9 Data Driven Testing Mechanism for API Tests 00:13:41 Duration
Lecture 10 About Proctor Testing
Lecture 11 Parameterize API Test with multiple Data set 00:09:34 Duration
Lecture 12 What are Enum classes How Framework can utili 00:19:33 Duration
Lecture 13 Removing Hardcoded resource details with Enum 00:11:50 Duration
Lecture 14 Build End to End Testcase with Add and Delete 00:17:04 Duration
Lecture 15 Build End to End Testcase in Framework Standa 00:09:10 Duration
Lecture 16 Creating Additional Scenarios in Framework to 00:16:40 Duration
Lecture 17 Importance of Cucumber Hooks in setting up 00:12:31 Duration
Lecture 18 Optimizing the Framework Tests with all neces 00:05:57 Duration
Lecture 19 Running the Complete Framework using Maven co 00:08:14 Duration
Lecture 20 Generate Excellent Cucumber HTML reporting 00:16:57 Duration
Lecture 21 Framework Code download

Section 17 : Cucumber BDD API Framework Development from Scratch - 2

Lecture 1 Important Note
Lecture 2 Introduction to Jenkins CI tool
Lecture 3 Integrating the API Framework into Jenkins an 00:06:20 Duration
Lecture 4 Setting up Parameterized Jenkin Job for API 00:08:33 Duration

Section 18 : Understanding Version Control System GIT

Lecture 1 Introduction to GIT 00:08:41 Duration
Lecture 3 Creating Git config and repositories 00:08:41 Duration
Lecture 4 How to push code to remote repository 00:11:35 Duration
Lecture 5 Understanding Staging and commit in git 00:11:35 Duration
Lecture 6 Add remote repository and push the committed 00:08:54 Duration
Lecture 7 End to end working example on Git commands -1 00:15:48 Duration
Lecture 8 End to end working example on Git commands -2 00:06:15 Duration
Lecture 9 Importance of Branching in GIT 00:24:55 Duration
Lecture 10 How to resolve Merge conflicts with GIT 00:14:18 Duration

Section 19 : Excel Integration with Rest Assured Test

Lecture 1 what is Apace POI API & Download Instructions 00:10:09 Duration
Lecture 2 Strategy to Access Excel Data 00:15:18 Duration
Lecture 3 Getting rows and its cells from Sheet 00:15:18 Duration
Lecture 4 Retrieving Data from Excel based on condition 00:08:48 Duration
Lecture 5 Practise Exercise- Excel Driven testing -1 00:11:46 Duration
Lecture 6 Practise Exercise- Excel Driven testing -2 00:10:59 Duration
Lecture 7 Practise Exercise- Excel Driven testing -3 00:10:00 Duration
Lecture 8 Code download
Lecture 9 Please note
Lecture 10 Introducion to Library API 00:07:48 Duration
Lecture 11 Library APi Postman and Rest Assured examples 00:10:56 Duration
Lecture 12 Conversion of HashMap into Json 00:14:12 Duration
Lecture 13 Excel Integration with Rest Assured Test 00:15:23 Duration
Lecture 14 Code download