Section 1 : Introduction - AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate
Lecture 2 | Course Introduction - AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate | |
Lecture 3 | PLEASE READ Lectures you can skip if you took a course from me before | |
Lecture 4 | Creating an AWS Account | 00:01:54 Duration |
Lecture 5 | AWS Account Activation Troubleshooting | |
Lecture 6 | AWS Budget Setup | 00:02:29 Duration |
Lecture 9 | How to read an AWS Bill | 00:01:25 Duration |
Section 2 : Code & Slides Download
Lecture 1 | About Certification |
Section 3 : AWS Fundamentals IAM & EC2
Lecture 2 | AWS Regions and AZs | 00:06:26 Duration |
Lecture 3 | IAM Introduction | 00:05:44 Duration |
Lecture 4 | IAM Hands On | 00:07:46 Duration |
Lecture 5 | About the EC2 Console Changes | |
Lecture 6 | EC2 Introduction | 00:09:53 Duration |
Lecture 7 | SSH Overview | 00:02:32 Duration |
Lecture 8 | How to SSH using Linux or Mac | 00:04:45 Duration |
Lecture 9 | How to SSH using Windows | 00:05:58 Duration |
Lecture 10 | How to SSH using Windows 10 | 00:05:14 Duration |
Lecture 11 | SSH Troubleshooting | |
Lecture 12 | EC2 Instance Connect | 00:02:16 Duration |
Lecture 13 | Introduction to Security Groups | 00:03:31 Duration |
Lecture 14 | Security Groups Deep Dive | 00:04:44 Duration |
Lecture 15 | Private vs Public vs Elastic IP | 00:04:42 Duration |
Lecture 16 | Private vs Public vs Elastic IP Hands On | 00:06:55 Duration |
Lecture 17 | Install Apache on EC2 | 00:05:28 Duration |
Lecture 18 | EC2 User Data | 00:05:22 Duration |
Lecture 19 | EC2 Instances Launch Types | 00:10:26 Duration |
Lecture 20 | Spot Instances & Spot Fleet | 00:09:32 Duration |
Lecture 21 | EC2 Instances Launch Types Hands On | 00:07:14 Duration |
Lecture 22 | EC2 Instance Types Deep Dive | 00:05:18 Duration |
Lecture 23 | EC2 AMIs | 00:03:04 Duration |
Lecture 24 | EC2 AMI Hands On | 00:04:49 Duration |
Lecture 25 | Cross Account AMI Copy | 00:03:18 Duration |
Lecture 26 | EC2 Placement Groups | 00:08:34 Duration |
Lecture 27 | Elastic Network Interfaces (ENI) with Hands On | 00:07:43 Duration |
Lecture 28 | ENI - Extra Reading | |
Lecture 29 | EC2 Hibernate | 00:04:22 Duration |
Lecture 30 | EC2 Hibernate - Hands On | 00:03:41 Duration |
Lecture 31 | EC2 for the Solution Architect | 00:04:21 Duration |
Section 4 : High Availability and Scalability ELB & ASG
Lecture 1 | High Availability and Scalability | 00:05:06 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) Overview | 00:08:24 Duration |
Lecture 3 | About the Gateway Load Balancer | |
Lecture 4 | Classic Load Balancer (CLB) with Hands On | 00:08:55 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Application Load Balancer (ALB) with Hands On | 00:10:57 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Network Load Balancer (NLB) with Hands On | 00:06:56 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Elastic Load Balancer - Stickiness | 00:03:25 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Elastic Load Balancer - Cross Zone Load Balancing | 00:03:21 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Elastic Load Balancer - SSL Certificates | 00:07:49 Duration |
Lecture 10 | Elastic Load Balancer - Connection Draining | 00:02:57 Duration |
Lecture 11 | Auto Scaling Groups (ASG) Overview | 00:07:30 Duration |
Lecture 12 | Auto Scaling Groups Hands On | 00:10:03 Duration |
Lecture 13 | Auto Scaling Groups - Scaling Policies | 00:10:17 Duration |
Lecture 14 | Auto Scaling Groups - for Solutions Architects | 00:04:23 Duration |
Section 5 : EC2 Storage - EBS & EFS
Lecture 1 | EBS Intro | 00:03:42 Duration |
Lecture 2 | EBS Intro Hands On | 00:08:07 Duration |
Lecture 3 | EBS Volume Types Deep Dive | 00:08:12 Duration |
Lecture 4 | EBS Operation Snapshots | 00:04:05 Duration |
Lecture 5 | EBS Operation Volume Migration | 00:01:22 Duration |
Lecture 6 | EBS Operation Volume Encryption | 00:03:24 Duration |
Lecture 7 | EBS vs Instance Store | 00:04:38 Duration |
Lecture 8 | EBS RAID configurations | 00:05:17 Duration |
Lecture 9 | EFS Overview | 00:04:38 Duration |
Lecture 10 | EFS Hands On | 00:11:08 Duration |
Lecture 11 | EBS & EFS - Section Cleanup | 00:01:31 Duration |
Lecture 12 | EFS vs EBS | 00:02:56 Duration |
Section 6 : AWS Fundamentals RDS + Aurora + ElastiCache
Lecture 1 | AWS RDS Overview | 00:03:30 Duration |
Lecture 2 | RDS Read Replicas vs Multi AZ | 00:06:13 Duration |
Lecture 3 | AWS RDS Hands On | 00:09:53 Duration |
Lecture 4 | RDS Encryption + Security | 00:06:41 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Aurora Overview | 00:10:12 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Aurora Hands On | 00:09:24 Duration |
Lecture 7 | ElastiCache Overview | 00:05:56 Duration |
Lecture 8 | ElastiCache Hands On | 00:03:45 Duration |
Lecture 9 | ElastiCache for Solution Architect | 00:03:30 Duration |
Lecture 10 | List of Ports to be familiar with |
Section 7 : Route 53
Lecture 1 | Route 53 Overview | 00:03:47 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Route 53 Hands On | 00:03:57 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Route 53 - EC2 Setup | 00:06:33 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Route 53 - TTL | 00:06:00 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Route 53 CNAME vs Alias | 00:06:18 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Routing Policy - Simple | 00:03:34 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Routing Policy - Weighted | |
Lecture 8 | Routing Policy - Latency | 00:04:11 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Route 53 Health Checks | 00:06:42 Duration |
Lecture 10 | Routing Policy - Failover | 00:04:34 Duration |
Lecture 11 | Routing Policy - Geolocation | 00:04:59 Duration |
Lecture 12 | Routing Policy - Multi Value | 00:04:27 Duration |
Lecture 13 | 3rd Party Domains & Route 53 | 00:03:07 Duration |
Lecture 14 | Section Cleanup | 00:01:08 Duration |
Section 8 : Classic Solutions Architecture Discussions
Lecture 1 | Solutions Architecture Discussions Overview | 00:01:13 Duration |
Lecture 2 | WhatsTheTime | 00:12:39 Duration |
Lecture 3 | MyClothes | 00:09:38 Duration |
Lecture 4 | MyWordPress | 00:04:37 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Instantiating applications quickly | 00:02:54 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Beanstalk Overview | 00:04:31 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Beanstalk Hands On | 00:04:57 Duration |
Section 9 : Amazon S3 Introduction
Lecture 2 | S3 Buckets and Objects | 00:03:05 Duration |
Lecture 3 | S3 Buckets and Objects - Hands On | 00:05:44 Duration |
Lecture 4 | S3 Versioning | 00:01:10 Duration |
Lecture 5 | S3 Versioning - Hands On | 00:05:29 Duration |
Lecture 6 | S3 Encryption | 00:07:48 Duration |
Lecture 7 | S3 Encryption - Hands On | 00:06:02 Duration |
Lecture 8 | S3 Security & Bucket Policies | 00:05:29 Duration |
Lecture 9 | S3 Bucket Policies Hands On | 00:07:45 Duration |
Lecture 10 | S3 Websites | 00:05:10 Duration |
Lecture 11 | S3 CORS | 00:05:25 Duration |
Lecture 12 | S3 CORS Hands On | 00:08:28 Duration |
Lecture 13 | S3 Consistency Model | 00:02:46 Duration |
Section 10 : AWS CLI, SDK, IAM Roles & Policies
Lecture 2 | AWS CLI Setup on Windows | 00:01:45 Duration |
Lecture 3 | AWS CLI Setup on Mac OS X | 00:01:29 Duration |
Lecture 4 | AWS CLI Setup on Linux | 00:01:30 Duration |
Lecture 5 | AWS CLI Configuration | 00:04:00 Duration |
Lecture 6 | AWS CLI on EC2 | 00:09:40 Duration |
Lecture 7 | AWS CLI Practice with S3 | 00:04:09 Duration |
Lecture 8 | IAM Roles and Policies Hands On | 00:07:22 Duration |
Lecture 9 | AWS Policy Simulator | 00:01:59 Duration |
Lecture 10 | AWS EC2 Instance Metadata | 00:04:54 Duration |
Lecture 11 | AWS SDK Overview | 00:04:26 Duration |
Section 11 : Advanced Amazon S3 & Athena
Lecture 1 | S3 MFA Delete | 00:01:31 Duration |
Lecture 2 | S3 MFA Delete Hands On | 00:06:25 Duration |
Lecture 3 | S3 Access Logs | 00:01:49 Duration |
Lecture 4 | S3 Access Logs - Hands On | 00:04:13 Duration |
Lecture 5 | S3 Replication (Cross Region and Same Region) | 00:02:10 Duration |
Lecture 6 | S3 Replication - Hands On | 00:06:17 Duration |
Lecture 7 | S3 Pre-signed URLs | 00:01:37 Duration |
Lecture 8 | S3 Pre-signed URLs - Hands On | 00:02:05 Duration |
Lecture 9 | S3 Storage Classes + Glacier | 00:09:45 Duration |
Lecture 10 | S3 Storage Classes + Glacier - Hands On | 00:03:14 Duration |
Lecture 11 | S3 Lifecycle Rules | 00:05:18 Duration |
Lecture 12 | S3 Lifecycle Rules - Hands On | 00:03:02 Duration |
Lecture 13 | S3 Performance | 00:06:14 Duration |
Lecture 14 | S3 Select & Glacier Select | 00:01:42 Duration |
Lecture 15 | S3 Event Notifications | 00:01:42 Duration |
Lecture 16 | S3 Event Notifications - Hands On | 00:05:15 Duration |
Lecture 17 | Athena Overview | 00:01:41 Duration |
Lecture 18 | Athena Hands On | 00:08:03 Duration |
Lecture 19 | S3 Lock Policies & Glacier Vault Lock | 00:01:26 Duration |
Section 12 : CloudFront & AWS Global Accelerator
Lecture 1 | CloudFront Overview | 00:08:40 Duration |
Lecture 2 | CloudFront with S3 - Hands On | 00:09:49 Duration |
Lecture 3 | CloudFront Signed URL Cookies | 00:03:37 Duration |
Lecture 4 | AWS Global Accelerator - Overview | 00:06:07 Duration |
Lecture 5 | AWS Global Accelerator - Hands On | 00:10:48 Duration |
Section 13 : AWS Storage Extras
Lecture 1 | Snowball Overview | 00:04:47 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Snowball Hands On | 00:03:08 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Storage Gateway Overview | 00:07:35 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Storage Gateway - File Gateway Hardware Appliance | 00:01:16 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Storage Gateway Hands On | 00:01:30 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Amazon FSx - Overview | 00:03:34 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Amazon FSx - Hands On | 00:04:08 Duration |
Lecture 8 | All AWS Storage Options Compared | 00:02:40 Duration |
Section 14 : Decoupling applications SQS, SNS, Kinesis, Active MQ
Lecture 1 | Introduction to Messaging | 00:02:45 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Amazon SQS - Standard Queues Overview | 00:10:36 Duration |
Lecture 3 | SQS - Standard Queue Hands On | 00:06:46 Duration |
Lecture 4 | SQS - Message Visibility Timeout | 00:05:19 Duration |
Lecture 5 | SQS - Dead Letter Queues | 00:05:21 Duration |
Lecture 6 | SQS - Delay Queues | 00:02:27 Duration |
Lecture 7 | SQS - FIFO Queues | 00:02:38 Duration |
Lecture 8 | SQS + Auto Scaling Group | 00:03:36 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Amazon SNS - Overview | 00:03:57 Duration |
Lecture 10 | SNS - Hands On | 00:04:09 Duration |
Lecture 11 | SNS and SQS - Fan Out Pattern | 00:04:26 Duration |
Lecture 12 | Kinesis Data Streams Overview | 00:11:29 Duration |
Lecture 13 | Kinesis Data Streams Hands On | 00:10:38 Duration |
Lecture 14 | Kinesis Firehose & Kinesis Data Analytics | 00:04:16 Duration |
Lecture 15 | Data Ordering for Kinesis vs SQS FIFO | 00:07:14 Duration |
Lecture 16 | SQS vs SNS vs Kinesis | 00:02:28 Duration |
Lecture 17 | Amazon MQ | 00:06:47 Duration |
Section 15 : Serverless Overviews from a Solution Architect Perspective
Lecture 1 | About the Serverless Section | |
Lecture 2 | Serverless Introduction | 00:02:19 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Lambda Overview | 00:06:55 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Lambda Hands-On | 00:09:35 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Lambda Limits | 00:01:45 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Lambda@Edge | 00:03:04 Duration |
Lecture 7 | DynamoDB Overview | 00:04:18 Duration |
Lecture 8 | DynamoDB Hands-On | 00:04:27 Duration |
Lecture 9 | DynamoDB Advanced Features | 00:06:20 Duration |
Lecture 10 | API Gateway Overview | 00:04:40 Duration |
Lecture 11 | API Gateway Basics Hands-On | |
Lecture 12 | API Gateway Security | 00:05:11 Duration |
Lecture 13 | AWS Cognito Overview | 00:05:59 Duration |
Lecture 14 | Serverless Application Model (SAM) Overview | 00:01:08 Duration |
Section 16 : Serverless Solution Architecture Discussions
Lecture 1 | Mobile Application MyTodoList | 00:04:49 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Serverless Website MyBlog | 00:05:42 Duration |
Lecture 3 | MicroServices Architecture | 00:03:52 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Distributing Paid Content | 00:05:05 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Software updates distribution | 00:02:10 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Big Data Ingestion Pipeline | 00:04:14 Duration |
Section 17 : Databases in AWS
Lecture 1 | Choosing the right database | 00:04:34 Duration |
Lecture 2 | RDS | 00:03:24 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Aurora | 00:03:40 Duration |
Lecture 4 | ElastiCache | 00:02:43 Duration |
Lecture 5 | DynamoDB | 00:04:53 Duration |
Lecture 6 | S3 | 00:03:52 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Athena | 00:02:09 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Redshift | 00:08:15 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Neptune | 00:01:55 Duration |
Lecture 10 | ElasticSearch | 00:02:37 Duration |
Section 18 : AWS Monitoring & Audit CloudWatch, CloudTrail & Config
Lecture 2 | AWS CloudWatch Metrics | 00:04:12 Duration |
Lecture 3 | AWS CloudWatch Dashboards | 00:06:09 Duration |
Lecture 4 | AWS CloudWatch Logs | 00:09:09 Duration |
Lecture 5 | mp4 | 00:03:16 Duration |
Lecture 6 | AWS CloudWatch Alarms | 00:06:50 Duration |
Lecture 7 | EC2 Instance Recovery with CloudWatch Alarms | 00:01:59 Duration |
Lecture 8 | AWS CloudWatch Events | 00:03:59 Duration |
Lecture 9 | AWS CloudTrail | 00:02:36 Duration |
Lecture 10 | AWS Config - Overview | 00:02:58 Duration |
Lecture 11 | AWS Config - Hands On | 00:09:09 Duration |
Lecture 12 | CloudTrail vs CloudWatch vs Config | 00:02:29 Duration |
Section 19 : Identity and Access Management (IAM) - Advanced
Lecture 1 | Security Token Service (STS) Overview | 00:04:16 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Identity Federation & Cognito | 00:09:20 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Directory Services - Overview | 00:05:29 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Organizations - Overview | 00:09:27 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Organizations - Hands On | 00:10:27 Duration |
Lecture 6 | IAM - Advanced | 00:06:23 Duration |
Lecture 7 | IAM - Policy Evaluation Logic | 00:06:47 Duration |
Lecture 8 | Resource Access Manager (RAM) | 00:04:53 Duration |
Lecture 9 | AWS Single Sign On (SSO) - Overview | 00:03:41 Duration |
Lecture 10 | AWS Single Sign On (SSO) - Hands On | 00:02:10 Duration |
Section 20 : AWS Security & Encryption KMS, SSM Parameter Store, CloudHSM, Shield, WAF
Lecture 2 | Encryption 101 | 00:06:00 Duration |
Lecture 3 | KMS Overview | 00:08:18 Duration |
Lecture 4 | KMS Hands On w CLI | 00:09:01 Duration |
Lecture 5 | SSM Parameter Store Overview | 00:04:27 Duration |
Lecture 6 | SSM Parameter Store Hands On (CLI) | 00:07:12 Duration |
Lecture 7 | SSM Parameter Store Hands On (AWS Lambda) | 00:10:03 Duration |
Lecture 8 | AWS Secrets Manager - Overview | 00:01:03 Duration |
Lecture 9 | AWS Secrets Manager - Hands On | 00:05:48 Duration |
Lecture 10 | CloudHSM | 00:02:25 Duration |
Lecture 11 | Shield - DDoS Protection | 00:01:30 Duration |
Lecture 12 | Web Application Firewall (WAF) | 00:04:02 Duration |
Lecture 13 | WAF & Shield - Hands On | 00:03:18 Duration |
Lecture 14 | Shared Responsibility Model | 00:04:18 Duration |
Section 21 : Networking - VPC
Lecture 1 | Section Introduction | 00:00:45 Duration |
Lecture 2 | CIDR, Private vs Public IP | 00:06:55 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Default VPC Overview | 00:04:59 Duration |
Lecture 4 | VPC Overview and Hands On | 00:03:59 Duration |
Lecture 5 | Subnet Overview and Hands On | 00:05:47 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Internet Gateways & Route Tables | 00:08:27 Duration |
Lecture 7 | NAT Instances | 00:11:32 Duration |
Lecture 8 | NAT Gateways | 00:07:33 Duration |
Lecture 9 | DNS Resolution Options & Route 53 Private Zones | 00:04:11 Duration |
Lecture 10 | NACL & Security Groups | 00:14:29 Duration |
Lecture 11 | VPC Peering | 00:07:32 Duration |
Lecture 12 | VPC Endpoints | 00:08:28 Duration |
Lecture 13 | VPC Flow Logs + Athena | 00:12:15 Duration |
Lecture 14 | Bastion Hosts | 00:01:40 Duration |
Lecture 15 | Site to Site VPN, Virtual Private Gateway & Customer Gateway | 00:04:46 Duration |
Lecture 16 | Direct Connect & Direct Connect Gateway | 00:08:04 Duration |
Lecture 17 | Egress Only Internet Gateway | 00:02:47 Duration |
Lecture 18 | AWS PrivateLink - VPC Endpoint Services | 00:04:23 Duration |
Lecture 19 | AWS ClassicLink | 00:01:22 Duration |
Lecture 20 | VPN CloudHub | 00:01:19 Duration |
Lecture 21 | Transit Gateway | 00:04:43 Duration |
Lecture 22 | VPC Section Summary | 00:06:06 Duration |
Lecture 23 | Section Cleanup | 00:04:18 Duration |
Lecture 24 | Networking Costs in AWS | 00:03:53 Duration |
Section 22 : Disaster Recovery & Migrations
Lecture 1 | Disaster Recovery in AWS | 00:11:30 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Database Migration Service (DMS) | |
Lecture 3 | Database Migration Service (DMS) - Hands On | 00:03:21 Duration |
Lecture 4 | On-Premises Strategies with AWS | |
Lecture 5 | DataSync - Overview | 00:01:49 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Transferring Large Datasets into AWS | 00:03:01 Duration |
Section 23 : More Solution Architectures
Lecture 1 | Event Processing in AWS | 00:07:06 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Caching Strategies in AWS | 00:03:03 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Blocking an IP Address in AWS | 00:06:08 Duration |
Lecture 4 | High Performance Computing (HPC) on AWS | 00:06:25 Duration |
Lecture 5 | EC2 Instance High Availability | 00:06:49 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Bastion Host High Availability | 00:03:40 Duration |
Section 24 : Other Services
Lecture 2 | CICD Introduction | 00:03:19 Duration |
Lecture 3 | CloudFormation Intro | 00:05:22 Duration |
Lecture 4 | CloudFormation Hands-On | 00:10:48 Duration |
Lecture 5 | CloudFormation - Extras | 00:01:07 Duration |
Lecture 6 | ECS Introduction | 00:10:18 Duration |
Lecture 7 | ECS - Extras | 00:03:13 Duration |
Lecture 8 | EKS - Overview | 00:02:09 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Step Functions & SWF | 00:03:43 Duration |
Lecture 10 | EMR | 00:02:28 Duration |
Lecture 11 | AWS Glue | 00:01:34 Duration |
Lecture 12 | OpsWorks | 00:02:04 Duration |
Lecture 13 | ElasticTranscoder | 00:01:18 Duration |
Lecture 14 | AWS Workspaces | 00:01:55 Duration |
Lecture 15 | AppSync | 00:01:12 Duration |
Lecture 16 | Other Services Cheat Sheet |
Section 25 : WhitePapers and Architectures - AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate
Lecture 1 | WhitePaper Section Introduction | 00:00:53 Duration |
Lecture 2 | Well Architected Framework Overview + Well Architected Tool | 00:06:01 Duration |
Lecture 3 | 1st pillar Operational Excellence | 00:03:31 Duration |
Lecture 4 | 2nd pillar Security | 00:04:14 Duration |
Lecture 5 | 3rd pillar Reliability | 00:03:15 Duration |
Lecture 6 | 4th pillar Performance Efficiency | 00:03:43 Duration |
Lecture 7 | 5th pillar Cost Optimization | 00:03:58 Duration |
Lecture 8 | AWS Trusted Advisor Overview + Hands-On | 00:05:17 Duration |
Lecture 9 | Examples of Architecture - AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate | 00:03:46 Duration |
Section 26 : Preparing for the Exam + Practice Exam - AWS Certified Solutions Architect Assoc
Lecture 2 | State of Learning Checkpoint - AWS Certified | 00:07:09 Duration |
Lecture 3 | Exam Tips - AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate | 00:03:24 Duration |
Lecture 4 | Links to Whitepapers | |
Lecture 5 | Exam Walkthrough and Signup | 00:04:02 Duration |
Lecture 6 | Save 50% on your AWS Exam Cost! | 00:01:42 Duration |
Lecture 7 | Get an Extra 30 Minutes on your AWS Exam - Non Native English Speakers only | 00:01:09 Duration |
Section 27 : Congratulations - AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate
Lecture 1 | Congratulations - AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate | 00:00:49 Duration |