Section 1 : Introduction

Lecture 1 Teaser 00:07:30 Duration
Lecture 2 Course Introduction 00:06:31 Duration
Lecture 3 Introduction to Python Programming & Ethical Hacking 00:06:13 Duration
Lecture 4 Lab Overview & Needed Software 00:07:49 Duration
Lecture 6 About Proctor Testing
Lecture 8 Installing Kali 2020 as a virtual Machine 00:11:13 Duration
Lecture 9 Basic Overview of Kali Linux 00:05:10 Duration
Lecture 10 The Terminal & Linux Commands 00:11:21 Duration
Lecture 11 Python 2 VS Python 3 & Writing Our First Program 00:09:08 Duration
Lecture 12 Installing & Using a Python IDE 00:09:32 Duration

Section 2 : Writing a MAC Address Changer - Python Basics

Lecture 1 What is MAC Address & How To Change it 00:07:41 Duration
Lecture 2 Using Python Modules & Executing System Commands 00:09:18 Duration
Lecture 3 Implementing a Very Basic MAC Changer 00:05:17 Duration
Lecture 4 Variables & Strings 00:10:13 Duration
Lecture 5 Using Variables in MAC Changer 00:04:36 Duration
Lecture 6 Getting Input From The User 00:06:18 Duration
Lecture 7 Handling User Input
Lecture 8 Handling Command-line Arguments 00:09:44 Duration
Lecture 9 Initialising Variables Based on Command-line Arguments 00:07:51 Duration
Lecture 10 Python Functions 00:09:41 Duration
Lecture 11 Returning Values From Functions 00:06:56 Duration
Lecture 12 Decision Making in Python 00:06:54 Duration
Lecture 13 Using Conditional Statements in MAC Changer 00:09:05 Duration

Section 3 : MAC Changer - Algorithm Design

Lecture 1 Introduction to Algorithms 00:03:15 Duration
Lecture 2 Reading Output Returned By System Commands 00:06:24 Duration
Lecture 3 Introduction to Regular Expressions (Regex) 00:08:14 Duration
Lecture 4 Extracting a Substring Using Regex 00:06:40 Duration
Lecture 5 Refactoring & Housekeeping 00:10:59 Duration
Lecture 6 Implementing The Validation Algorithm 00:06:12 Duration
Lecture 7 Python 3 Compatibility 00:06:23 Duration

Section 4 : Programming a Network Scanner

Lecture 1 Introduction & Teaser 00:10:11 Duration
Lecture 2 Installing Windows as a Virtual Machine 00:03:32 Duration
Lecture 3 Introduction to ARP 00:06:48 Duration
Lecture 4 Designing an Algorithm To Discover Clients on The Same Network 00:09:43 Duration
Lecture 5 Using Scapy To Create an ARP Request 00:09:43 Duration
Lecture 6 Combining Frames To Broadcast Packets 00:09:37 Duration
Lecture 7 Sending & Receiving Packets 00:06:57 Duration
Lecture 8 Introduction Lists in Python 00:08:21 Duration
Lecture 9 Iterating Over Lists & Analysing Packet 00:10:10 Duration
Lecture 10 Using Escape Characters To Improve Program Output 00:06:29 Duration
Lecture 11 Introduction to Dictionaries in Python 00:09:37 Duration
Lecture 12 Improving the Program Using a List of Dictionaries 00:08:55 Duration
Lecture 13 Iterating Over Nested Data Structures 00:07:18 Duration
Lecture 14 Testing The Network Scanner With Python 3 00:06:55 Duration

Section 5 : Writing an ARP Spoofer

Lecture 1 What is ARP Spoofing 00:06:20 Duration
Lecture 2 Intercepting Data in a Network Using arpspoof 00:05:09 Duration
Lecture 3 Creating an ARP Response 00:07:12 Duration
Lecture 4 Sending ARP Responses 00:05:34 Duration
Lecture 5 Extracting MAC Address From Responses 00:06:59 Duration
Lecture 6 Introduction to Loops in Python 00:08:53 Duration
Lecture 7 More on Loops & Counters
Lecture 8 Dynamic Printing 00:06:55 Duration
Lecture 9 Exception Handling in Python 00:05:16 Duration
Lecture 10 Implementing a Restore Function 00:11:55 Duration
Lecture 11 Restoring ARP Tables on Exception 00:05:33 Duration

Section 6 : Writing a Packet Sniffer

Lecture 1 Introduction & Teaser 00:04:39 Duration
Lecture 2 Sniffing Packets Using Scapy 00:07:20 Duration
Lecture 3 Extracting data From a Specific Layer 00:06:50 Duration
Lecture 4 Analysing Sniffed Packets & Extracting Fields From Layers 00:12:22 Duration
Lecture 5 Analysing Fields & Extracting Passwords 00:11:06 Duration
Lecture 6 Extracting URLs 00:08:01 Duration
Lecture 7 Capturing Passwords From Any Computer Connected to the Same Network 00:08:03 Duration
Lecture 8 Strings & Bytes in Python 3 00:07:20 Duration

Section 7 : Writing a DNS Spoofer

Lecture 1 Intercepting Packets - Creating a Proxy 00:13:01 Duration
Lecture 2 Converting Packets to Scapy Packets 00:09:22 Duration
Lecture 3 Introduction to DNS Spoofing 00:07:20 Duration
Lecture 4 Filtering DNS Responses 00:06:26 Duration
Lecture 5 Analysing & Creating a Custom DNS Response 00:07:56 Duration
Lecture 6 Modifying Packets On The Fly 00:07:58 Duration
Lecture 7 Redirecting DNS Responses 00:05:45 Duration

Section 8 : Writing a File Interceptor

Lecture 1 Introduction & Teaser 00:04:28 Duration
Lecture 2 Filtering Traffic Based on the Port Used 00:09:22 Duration
Lecture 3 Analysing HTTP Requests 00:05:55 Duration
Lecture 4 Intercepting HTTP Requests 00:10:19 Duration
Lecture 5 Modifying HTTP Responses on The Fly 00:10:48 Duration
Lecture 6 Intercepting & Replacing Downloads on The Network 00:09:24 Duration

Section 9 : Writing a Code Injector

Lecture 1 Introduction & Teaser 00:01:20 Duration
Lecture 2 Analysing HTTP Responses 00:06:49 Duration
Lecture 3 Replacing a Substring Using Regex 00:07:15 Duration
Lecture 4 Decoding HTTP Responses 00:09:49 Duration
Lecture 5 Modifying HTTP Responses & Injecting Javascript Code in HTML Pages 00:08:50 Duration
Lecture 6 Refactoring & Housekeeping 00:08:29 Duration
Lecture 7 Debugging Issues in Python 00:06:01 Duration
Lecture 8 Using Groups & None-capturing Regex 00:08:57 Duration
Lecture 9 Recalculating Content Length 00:11:39 Duration
Lecture 10 BeEF Overview & Basic Hook Method 00:11:42 Duration
Lecture 11 Hooking Computers Using code_injector 00:05:38 Duration
Lecture 12 Basic BeEF Commands 00:04:24 Duration
Lecture 13 Delivering Malware Using BeEF 00:05:41 Duration

Section 10 : Bypassing HTTPS

Lecture 1 How to Bypass HTTPS 00:10:49 Duration
Lecture 2 Bypassing HTTPS & Sniffing Login Credentials 00:08:05 Duration
Lecture 3 Replacing Downloads on HTTPS Pages 00:10:56 Duration
Lecture 4 Injecting Code in HTTPS Pages 00:08:35 Duration

Section 11 : Writing an ARP Spoof Detector

Lecture 1 Running Python Programs on Windows 00:09:46 Duration
Lecture 2 Capturing & Analysing ARP Responses 00:06:43 Duration
Lecture 3 Detecting ARP Spoofing Attacks Using Python 00:07:50 Duration

Section 12 : Writing Malware

Lecture 1 Introduction & Teaser 00:01:57 Duration
Lecture 2 Execute System Command Payload 00:09:41 Duration
Lecture 3 Sending Emails Using Python 00:11:26 Duration
Lecture 4 Filtering Command Output Using Regex
Lecture 5 Stealing WiFi Passwords Saved on a Computer 00:09:35 Duration
Lecture 6 Downloading Files Using Python 00:07:50 Duration
Lecture 7 Writing Files on Disk 00:11:24 Duration
Lecture 8 Password Recovery Basics 00:08:19 Duration
Lecture 9 Stealing Saved Passwords From Remote Computers 00:08:03 Duration
Lecture 10 Interacting With The File System Using Python 00:09:44 Duration

Section 13 : Writing Malware - Keylogger

Lecture 1 Introduction & Teaser 00:03:41 Duration
Lecture 2 Writing a Basic Local Keylogger Using Python 00:10:00 Duration
Lecture 3 Introduction to Global Variables 00:08:08 Duration
Lecture 4 Logging Special Keys
Lecture 5 Introduction to Threading & Recursion in Python 00:10:59 Duration
Lecture 6 Introduction Object Oriented Programming 00:15:08 Duration
Lecture 7 Constructor Methods & Instance Variables 00:08:07 Duration
Lecture 8 Logging Key-strikes and Reporting Them By Email 00:11:58 Duration

Section 14 : Writing Malware - Backdoors

Lecture 1 Introduction & Teaser 00:05:46 Duration
Lecture 2 Client - Server Communication & Connection Types 00:07:46 Duration
Lecture 3 Connecting Two Remote Computers Using Sockets 00:10:09 Duration
Lecture 4 Sending & Receiving Data Over TCP 00:05:19 Duration
Lecture 5 Executing System Commands Remotely 00:10:07 Duration
Lecture 6 Implementing a Server 00:09:08 Duration
Lecture 7 Implementing Skeleton For Server - Client Communication 00:06:59 Duration
Lecture 8 Refactoring - Creating a Listener Class 00:08:13 Duration
Lecture 9 Refactoring - Creating a Backdoor Class 00:06:24 Duration
Lecture 10 Serialisation - Theory 00:11:14 Duration
Lecture 11 Serialisation - Implementing Reliable Methods to Send & Receive Data Over TCP 00:07:56 Duration
Lecture 12 Serialisation - Reliably Sending & Receiving Data 00:06:20 Duration
Lecture 13 Sending Commands as List & Implementing Exit Command 00:08:16 Duration
Lecture 14 Interacting With the File System - Implementing cd Command 00:09:25 Duration
Lecture 15 Reading Files Using Python 00:07:31 Duration
Lecture 16 Writing Files Using Python 00:06:53 Duration
Lecture 17 Downloading Files From Hacked Computer 00:07:55 Duration
Lecture 18 Implementing Upload Functionality in Listener 00:07:53 Duration
Lecture 19 Implementing Upload Functionality in Backdoor 00:06:13 Duration
Lecture 20 Handling Unknown Exceptions 00:09:38 Duration
Lecture 21 Using the Backdoor to Hack Windows, Linux & OS X 00:12:33 Duration
Lecture 22 Testing The Backdoor With Python 3 00:14:51 Duration

Section 15 : Writing Malware - Packaging

Lecture 1 Introduction & Teaser 00:03:16 Duration
Lecture 2 Converting Python Programs To Windows Binary Executables 00:07:13 Duration
Lecture 3 Running Executables Silentely 00:07:23 Duration
Lecture 4 Installing Windows Pyinstaller on Linux 00:07:43 Duration
Lecture 5 Packaging Programs For Windows From Linux 00:08:34 Duration
Lecture 6 Introduction to Persistence 00:08:15 Duration
Lecture 7 Running Programs on Startup 00:14:43 Duration
Lecture 8 Creating a Basic Trojan Using Download & Execute Payload 00:10:36 Duration
Lecture 9 Creating a Trojan By Embedding Files In Program Code 00:08:34 Duration
Lecture 10 Bypassing Anti-Virus Programs - Theory 00:05:23 Duration
Lecture 11 Bypassing Anti-Virus Programs - Practical 00:09:05 Duration
Lecture 12 Adding an Icon to Generated Executables 00:05:14 Duration
Lecture 13 Spoofing File Extension 00:09:35 Duration
Lecture 14 Converting Python Programs To OS X Executables 00:08:41 Duration
Lecture 15 Converting Python Programs to Linux Executables 00:07:24 Duration

Section 16 : Website Web Application Hacking

Lecture 1 Introduction & Teaser 00:06:42 Duration
Lecture 2 What is a Website 00:04:14 Duration
Lecture 3 How to Hack a Website 00:05:31 Duration

Section 17 : Website Hacking - Writing a Crawler

Lecture 1 Sending GET Requests To Web Servers 00:10:01 Duration
Lecture 2 Discovering Website Subdomains Using Python 00:11:44 Duration
Lecture 3 Discovering Hidden Paths in Websites 00:10:55 Duration
Lecture 4 Reading Response Content 00:06:27 Duration
Lecture 5 Extracting Useful Data From Response 00:07:09 Duration
Lecture 6 Filtering Results 00:07:10 Duration
Lecture 7 Extracting Unique Links & Storing Them In a List 00:06:42 Duration
Lecture 8 Recursively Discovering All Paths On a Target Website 00:09:37 Duration
Lecture 9 Testing The Crawler With Python 3 00:06:43 Duration

Section 18 : Writing a Program To Guess Login Information

Lecture 1 Sending Post Requests to Websites 00:12:00 Duration
Lecture 2 Guessing Login Information on Login Pages 00:09:05 Duration

Section 19 : Writing a Vulnerability Scanner

Lecture 1 Introduction & Teaser 00:02:35 Duration
Lecture 2 HTTP Requests - POST VS GET 00:07:06 Duration
Lecture 3 Parsing HTML Code Using Python 00:08:19 Duration
Lecture 4 Extracting HTML Attributes 00:10:30 Duration
Lecture 5 Posting Forms 00:11:25 Duration
Lecture 6 Building Basic Structure For a Vulnerability Scanner 00:10:27 Duration
Lecture 7 Using Default Parameters 00:05:09 Duration
Lecture 8 Sending Requests in a Session 00:09:16 Duration
Lecture 9 Extracting & Submitting Forms Automatically 00:10:07 Duration
Lecture 10 Implementing a Method To Run The Scanner 00:06:09 Duration
Lecture 11 Discovering XSS Vulnerabilities 00:09:07 Duration
Lecture 12 Exploiting XSS Vulnerabilities 00:05:09 Duration
Lecture 13 Implementing Code To Discover XSS in Forms 00:08:16 Duration
Lecture 14 Implementing Code To Discover XSS in Parameters 00:07:44 Duration
Lecture 15 Automatically Discovering Vulnerabilities Using the Vulnerability Scanner