International Sales Law Certification

Course Fee : $ 19.99


International Sales Law Certification - $ 19.99

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International Sales Law Certification

International Sales Law Certification



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You will be given a Free reference e-book to read which has more pages, And the test will be based on that e-book.

International Sales Law Certification

Introduction to International Sales Law

International sales law aims to make sure that all international sales transactions are done harmoniously and without any legal trouble. This law covers the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) adopted by over sixty countries at present with an aim of harmonizing the law which covers all international sales contracts. It is important for an organization to know everything about international sales law especially if it does sales transactions internationally. All the laws and regulations behind international sales transactions are covered in an international sales law certification program so you should consider being a part of it if you are serious about doing sales transactions internationally. With the help of this certification course, you will get a more comprehensive knowledge about the jurisprudence that surround the CISG. This will make it easier for anyone to develop a better analysis regarding the evolving arbitral law and international sales cases.

Taking up an international sales law certification course is indeed a major help for anyone who aims to understand how international sales transactions should be legally undertaken. With the help of this certification course, you will find it easier to handle all your international sales transactions. The certification course also helps in improving your skills in sticking to the laws behind international sales while also avoiding potential problems when undertaking your sales transactions. Knowledge about the international sales law is extremely important for the success of an organization because this gives them an easier time dealing with suppliers and customers internationally.

Brainmeasures International Sales Law Certification Program

If you want to become part of an organization which has some international dealings, then it is advisable for you to enroll in the international sales law certification program from Brainmeasures. The international sales law course offered by this ISO certified company covers all the jurisdictions and laws behind international sales transactions and some interpretations that are guaranteed to work in helping you fully understand the law. With the help of this program from Brainmeasures, you no longer need to worry about breaking any law. The international sales law certification program from Brainmeasures comes with a sales law exam in the end which you need to pass before getting your certificate. This serves as an evaluation of your knowledge about the international sales law and your ability to stick to this when doing sales transactions internationally.

Highlights of the International Sales Law Certification Program from Brainmeasures

The international sales law certification program from Brainmeasures aims to help its practitioners do international sales transactions in a more confident manner. It is because finishing up the certification course gives you a more comprehensive grasp about the laws on international sales which will prevent you from breaking any of them. If you want to gather more information about the topics covered by the international sales law certification program from Brainmeasures, feel free to register and log into your account so you can view its detailed syllabus. The following are among the major highlights of this certification course:

  • Introduction to the United Nations Convention on
  • Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)
  • Understanding the growing importance of CISG
  • Casebook that will allow anyone to fully understand the international sales law
  • Interpretations and discussions about the provisions of the CISG
  • Learning the major jurisdictions of both the domestic and the international sales law
  • Emphasis on the cases that are significantly important in developing international sales law as well as a comprehensive discussion of their legal reasoning
  • Comprehensive overview of the legal provisions in regional, domestic and international legal instruments including the Italian, Swiss, French,
  • Austrian, German and French Codes, the US Uniform Commercial Code and the English Sale of Goods Act
  • Texts, questions and cases that aim to help students in successfully carrying out their comparative and international sales law studies
  • Understanding all the issues that surround specific provisions in the CISG
  • Analyzing the CISG on an article-by-article basis Translati
  • on of any foreign provisions

Beneficiaries of the International Sales Certification Program

The international sales certification program from Brainmeasures is ideal for those who wish to know exactly how international sales transactions should be legally carried out. You should consider enrolling in this program if you are planning to run a business which requires you to deal with an international supplier and support the needs of your clients from other countries. This certification course is also a good choice for you if you want to get an employment from a company which has international dealings.

Job Opportunities after Completing an International Sales Law Certification Course

International sales law certification holders can expect to enjoy an instant boost in the number of career opportunities that they can access. Being certified in international sales law allows you to enjoy the best positions in an organization including the following:

  • International Sales Director
  • International Sales Legal Consultant
  • International Sales Executive
  • International Sales Manager
  • International Business Development Director
  • International Compliance Director
  • International Sales Lawyer

Expected Salary for International Sales Law Certification Holders

Being an international sales law certification holder allows you to enjoy great monetary rewards. You can expect your annual salary to become more stable which will range from $90,000 to $183,000.


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