Dreamweaver CS5 Certification

Course Fee : $ 19.99


Dreamweaver CS5 Certification - $ 19.99

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Dreamweaver CS5 Certification

Dreamweaver CS5 Certification



At Brainmeasures, we are always striving hard to develop and advance our systems by keeping ourselves updated with the latest trends and technology
Important Note :

You will be given a Free reference e-book to read which has more pages, And the test will be based on that e-book.

Dreamweaver CS5 Certification

What is Adobe Dreamweaver Creative Suite 5 (CS5)?

Adobe Dreamweaver Creative Suite 5 (CS5) is now one of the most popular programs that are used by a lot of experts when it comes to developing and designing websites. This program was released on the 30th of April 2010 and since then, it has never failed to satisfy experts in the website development and design industry. The Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 version has received a lot of acclaim because of the many excellent features that are installed in it. In this version, CSS coding system support is included. The program is also composed of other essential features including more advanced CSS layouts and features that allow users to survey CSS within their pages in the quickest manner possible without requiring them to view codes line by line. Here are some of the major advantages of learning Dreamweaver CS5 and using it in developing and designing websites:

  • It is widely used at present so expect to have an easier time reaching a huge community of users who are willing to offer support to beginners while also providing a wider market designed for third-party resources including templates and extensions.
  • It comes with powerful website management capabilities and this will make it possible for you to easily manage websites including its directories, files and links through the CS5’s interface.
  • It works faster than the other programs.
  • It works in effectively integrating other Creative Suite versions from Adobe Dreamweaver and this is a huge help in getting more control over the different procedures in your PC including desktop publishing.

Brainmeasures Dreamweaver CS5 Certification Program

If you are planning to learn everything about the Dreamweaver CS5 version so you can start using it in developing and designing websites, then be aware that the Dreamweaver CS5 certification program offered by Brainmeasures can supply you with all the information that you need about this field. The Dreamweaver CS5 course offered by this online certification company is the best and the most comprehensive one in the industry and this gives you a hundred guarantee that you will master all areas about the program after you successfully complete the course. The quality of the Dreamweaver CS5 training which you can receive from Brainmeasures is excellent so becoming one of the most reliable experts in the field will never become impossible. But before you will get your certificate which you can use in further increasing your career prospect and your potential salary, Brainmeasures will accurately assess your level of skills and knowledge about the Dreamweaver CS5 version through its Dreamweaver exam. Passing this test will allow you to become a certified expert in using the Dreamweaver CS5 program.

Highlights of the Brainmeasures Dreamweaver CS5 Certification Program

Brainmeasures Dreamweaver CS5 certification course has the widest coverage so it is greatly possible for you to learn every detail associated to the program. Here are just some of the major highlights of the highly comprehensive Brainmeasures Dreamweaver CS5 certification program:

  • Different strategies that you can use in creating the most remarkable websites
  • Overview of all the vital features of the Dreamweaver CS5 program
  • Determining which among the features of the Dreamweaver CS5 program can best suit the kind of website that you wish to develop
  • Effectively designing web pages
  • Establishing the most attractive website graphics
  • Effective management and testing of a website before finally publishing it
  • Understanding the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), how they operate and their ability to save you a lot of time
  • Effectively creating CSS styles and the approaches that you can use when it comes to editing them
  • How the different Dreamweaver templates help you save time when designing a website
  • Improving the appeal of a website by using and adding more advanced features when designing it like interactive image features, video, Flash and audio
  • Procedures involved in adding multimedia into web pages including the steps in inserting and creating links for various types of files
  • Tips in developing dynamic websites
  • 10 of the most vital online resources that you can use in registering domain names and finding the most reliable hosting services
  • Effective ways to design a website through Dreamweaver and promote it after its final setup

Beneficiaries of the Dreamweaver CS5 Certification Program

If you are one of the many people who plan on using the Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 program in designing, creating and maintaining user-friendly websites filled with high quality and professional-looking web pages, then the Dreamweaver CS5 certification program can be extremely beneficial for you. It targets students and aspiring web designers and developers who are greatly interested in using the program when it comes to developing websites and effectively managing existing websites.

Job Opportunities after Completing a Dreamweaver CS5 Certification Course

Numerous jobs will become available for you as soon as you receive your Dreamweaver CS5 certification. Completing this certification course will allow you to effectively handle the following positions:

  • Web / Graphic Designer
  • Certified Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 Expert
  • Software / Web Developer
  • E-commerce Manager
  • Website Administrator
  • Senior E-commerce Web Designer
  • Graphic Design Director

Expected Salary for Dreamweaver CS5 Certification Holders

Completing a Dreamweaver CS5 certification course is a major help when it comes to further improving your financial stability. As a Dreamweaver CS5 expert, your potential earnings would be around $72,000. Dreamweaver CS5 certification holders who were able to get the graphic design manager or graphic design director position can expect to enjoy a salary range of $66,000 to $111,000 per year. Note that there are also lot of online jobs that are available for freelancers in the field and these are extremely useful in your attempt to further increase your income.


Dreamweaver CS5 Certification

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