Network Security Certification

Course Fee : $ 99


Network Security Certification - $ 99

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Network Security Certification

Network Security Certification



At Brainmeasures, we are always striving hard to develop and advance our systems by keeping ourselves updated with the latest trends and technology
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You will be given a Free reference e-book to read which has more pages, And the test will be based on that e-book.

Network Security Certification

What is Network Security?

Network security is composed of all the policies and provisions that a network administrator adopts as a means of preventing and monitoring unauthorized access, modification, denial or misuse of a computer network and any other resources that can be accessed using a network. It also involves authorizing the right people to access certain data present within a network. Network security encompasses both public and private networks that are now utilized in performing daily tasks and responsibilities especially within an organization and in executing transactions and communications among individuals, government agencies and business organizations. One of the most common ways to protect and secure a network is to assign a unique name into it along with a password. Among the major purposes of securing a network is to prevent losses due to a misuse in data, prevent any breach in confidentiality and data manipulation and destruction. To effectively implement network security, the following steps should be carried out:

  • Secure which requires you to guard all the components of the network using enough authorization and authentication policies
  • Examine which requires the constant monitoring of network activities and erecting safeguards
  • Test which involves the assessment of the network security policies vulnerabilities by allowing an authorized and trusted entity to attack them
  • Enhance which involves the collection of data and using all these to establish better safeguards

Brainmeasures Network Security Certification Program

If you are planning to increase the level of your skills and knowledge about network security, then the Brainmeasures network security certification program can be a huge help for you. The certificate that you can get from the network security course from Brainmeasures can be added into your skill set to further impress your prospective employers while also receiving a higher level of knowledge especially in the field of handling issues linked to a computer network. With the help of this online certification course, you will become more familiar about all the issues that surround the security of a network and the many strategies that you can use to respond to serious and harmful attacks into a network. What you can get from the online network security certification program offered by Brainmeasures is a highly comprehensive network security training which covers all the aspects related to protecting a computer network, its benefits and the many malicious and harmful attacks that you should prevent. This online certification course also aims to inform you about the different tools and strategies that you can use in protecting sensitive information from any security attacks while also preventing any breach in security. To complete the program, Brainmeasures will require you to take a network security exam as a means of assessing your skills and knowledge in the field and determining whether you deserve to take a hold of your certificate.

Highlights of the Network Security Certification Program from Brainmeasures

When it comes to understanding everything about network security, the network security program from Brainmeasures can be your best ally. It is developed in such a way that you will never find it hard to understand all the major components and elements within a network and protect them. Here are just few of the many topics that form part of the network security program offered by Brainmeasures:

  • Introduction to network security, its history and its many benefits
  • Understanding the different tools and strategies that you can use when it comes to protecting vital components and elements within your network including firewalls, access controls and anti-virus software
  • Detecting any intrusion in your network and effectively scanning its vulnerability
  • Learning the different types of attacks that may hamper the performance of your network and cause essential and sensitive data to get damaged and lost
  • Basics of optimizing confidentiality and integrity of files
  • Legal issues associated to information security including those that are mandated in the Netherlands, Australia and United Kingdom
  • Types of security and information policies that you can use in protecting sensitive data and information in your network
  • Vital procedures involved in system administration and configuration management
  • Establishing an effective disaster recovery plan
  • Identifying all the risks within your network including the many things that you can do to manage them
  • Hiring the right people to manage the network security of your organization
  • Procedures involved in setting up Virtual Private Network (VPN) and firewall

Beneficiaries of the Network Security Certification Program

Anyone who plans to gain a full understanding about how to secure a network can greatly benefit in the network security certification program from Brainmeasures. It is more beneficial for individuals and IT professionals who are responsible not only in maintaining the integrity of their network but also in protecting all the data stored in the network and preventing all these data from getting into the hands of the wrong people. It is also ideal for those who are responsible in preventing all types of viruses from entering a network.

Job Opportunities after Completing a Network Security Certification Course

Getting a good job after completing your network security certification course is greatly possible considering the many organizations that desperately require the services of experts in this industry. After you complete your network security certification course, you can start applying for the following positions:

  • Senior Network Security Engineer
  • Network Security Operations Head
  • Firewall Engineer
  • IT Security Analyst
  • Network Performance Analyst
  • IT Security Administrator
  • Information Security Manager

Expected Salary for Network Security Certification Holders

Being a network security certification holder is a major help in your attempt to significantly raise your income. As an expert in network security, you get the chance to earn around $51,000 to $131,000 annually. If you are still starting out, you can expect your average annual salary to be around $67,000. Experts in the field who have been in the industry for quite a long time already can expect to earn within the annual salary range of $76,000 to $115,000.


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