Project Manager Certification

Course Fee : $ 99


Project Manager Certification - $ 99

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Project Manager Certification

Project Manager Certification



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You will be given a Free reference e-book to read which has more pages, And the test will be based on that e-book.

Project Manager Certification

Understanding the Roles and Responsibilities of a Project Manager

A project manager is an expert and professional in the project management field. The major responsibilities of project managers include the execution, planning and closing all types of projects that are usually related to architecture, software development, telecommunications development, computer networking and construction. If you are aiming to work as a project manager in the future, then it is advisable for you to remember that your responsibilities will also include accomplishing stated objectives of certain projects, establishing attainable and clear project objectives, managing all the issues and constraints associated to project management that usually include scope, quality, time and cost and building requirements for your project. It is also important for you to improve your skills in determining the exact needs of your clients and working hard to meet these by using techniques that are primarily based on the kind of knowledge represented by your company. As a project manager, you should also have the following skills and qualities:

  • Inspires and Motivates a Shared Vision
  • Integrity
  • Good Communicator
  • Empathy
  • Enthusiasm
  • Excellent Skills in Delegating Tasks
  • Ability to Maintain Coolness even Under Pressure
  • Competence
  • Ability to Solve Problems
  • Team Building Skills
  • Excellent Leadership Skills
  • Ability to Handle even the Most Difficult Situations when Carrying out Projects
  • Skills in Immediately Detecting Problems that can Hamper the
  • Success of your Projects

Brainmeasures Project Manager Certification Program

The project manager certification program which you can now access at Brainmeasures is highly recommended for you if your dream is to become one of the most renowned project management professionals at present. With the help of this project manager course, you will be able to instill in you the level of knowledge and skills needed to become a more effective and successful project manager. With the comprehensiveness of the project manager training that you can receive from this certification course, you will become more familiar about all the strategies used in project management and how you can continuously monitor the progress of all your projects. The online project management training that you can get from Brainmeasures contains a more simplified version of the somewhat complex concepts and strategies related to project management so expect to have an easier time increasing the level of your knowledge about the field. Note that the program also comes with a project manager exam and you need to pass this before finally receiving your certificate in the field.

Highlights of the Project Manager Certification Program from Brainmeasures

The coverage of the project manager certification program from Brainmeasures is wide enough that you will never find it hard to understand all the essential aspects, concepts and strategies related to project management. By enrolling in the project manager certification program from Brainmeasures, you get the chance to obtain a stronger background about the following:

  • Understanding all the principles related to finance and their relationship to project management
  • Methods that you can use in selecting the most profitable projects
  • Accessing business cases that come with feasibility analysis
  • Identifying stakeholders and the roles that they play in successfully carrying out your projects
  • Understanding the most effective corporate strategies
  • Planning your project by first identifying the best members for your team and assigning responsibilities
  • Building the organizational structure for a project
  • Establishing the most effective communication plan
  • Breaking down the structure of work to boost productivity
  • Effectively managing all the risks in a project
  • Establishing a more stable plan for change management
  • Effectively managing and directing the execution of projects
  • Managing your project team
  • Effective ways to monitor and control project work
  • Appraising the performance of the members of your team and providing feedback
  • Obtaining contract closure as soon as the project is successfully carried out
  • Creating a list of all the lessons that you have learned from the project
  • Effective distribution of the final project reports

Beneficiaries of the Project Manager Certification Program

The project manager certification program offered by Brainmeasures aims to help anyone who is considering to work as a project management professional and expert in the future. It is most suitable for professionals who are responsible in directly or indirectly managing and monitoring projects and prospective and existing project managers, program managers, project team members and functional managers whose responsibilities include properly designing and delivering successful projects while also gaining more information about the life cycle of a project and honing their skills in project management.

Job Opportunities after Completing a Project Manager Certification Course

Completing a project manager certification course is very rewarding since it allows you to start accessing numerous jobs. Among the many jobs that will become accessible for you as soon as you take a hold of your project manager certification are the following:

  • Software Development Project Manager
  • Technical Project Manager
  • Senior Project Manager
  • New Product Development Project Manager
  • Functional Manager
  • Program Manager

Expected Salary for Project Manager Certification Holders

If you are already holding your project manager certification, then you should keep in mind that your salary will be fully dependent on the kind of project management positions that you hold and your specific location. If you use your project manager certification to work as an IT project manager, then you can expect to earn around $86,000 to $90,000 annually. Working as a senior project manager will allow you to take an annual salary within the range of $50,000 to $156,000. If you work as a software development project manager, then your earnings can go from $89,000 to $107,000 annually.


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