Pharmacy Technician Certification

Course Fee : $ 99


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Pharmacy Technician Certification

Pharmacy Technician Certification



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Pharmacy Technician Certification

Who is Pharmacy Technician?

A pharmacy technician or a pharmaceutical technician refers to a health care worker who is responsible in efficiently performing functions that are related to running a pharmacy while being directly supervised by a health professional or licensed pharmacist. The major role of a pharmacy technician includes dispensing the correct medication to patients. This health care worker makes sure that all patients receive exactly what is ordered by their doctor. He is also responsible in preparing medications and in making sure that the prescriptions are accurate. Other duties and responsibilities that a pharmacy technician needs to perform are the following:

  • Accurately dispensing medical devices and prescription drugs to patients
  • Providing patients with instructions on how they can safely use the medical devices and prescription drugs that they have purchased
  • Performs administrative duties that are related to the pharmaceutical practice
  • Reviews and evaluates prescription requests from insurance companies and doctor’s offices to ensure that the right drugs and medications are provided while receiving the accurate payment
  • Directly communicates with patients to assist them in their timely intake of medications
  • Assists licensed pharmacists in the daily operations of their pharmacy
  • Mixes, measures, labels, packs and delivers drugs
  • Restocks medications and any other related medical supplies
  • Determines if the products are already expired for destruction or disposal
  • Maintains computerized and accurate lists of drugs taken by patients
  • Maintains the good condition of home health care products including hearing and vision aids and canes

Brainmeasures Pharmacy Technician Certification Program

If you are an aspiring pharmacy technician, then be aware that you can achieve your goals by taking part in the pharmacy technician certification course which is now available at Brainmeasures. The pharmacy technician course offered by Brainmeasures is highly beneficial considering the fact that it allows you to gather all the information that you need to become in the top positions of the pharmaceutical industry. With the help of this online certification course, you get the chance to undergo a kind of pharmacy technician training which explains in full detail the major concepts associated to being a pharmacy technician, the major roles and responsibilities that you need to handle, the skills and knowledge needed to become an expert pharmacy technician and the many things that you can do to offer the safest and the most accurate drug information to different types of patients. Receiving your pharmacy technician certificate from Brainmeasures is proven to be really rewarding considering the fact that it certifies your competitive skills and knowledge in the field.

Highlights of the Pharmacy Technician Certification Program from Brainmeasures

You will never regret enrolling in the pharmacy technician certification program which is now available at Brainmeasures considering its proven extensiveness. The pharmacy technician certification course offered by Brainmeasures aims to supply you with accurate and detailed information about the following vital topics:

  • Basics of assisting pharmacists when it comes to serving patients
  • Receiving drug and medication orders
  • Effectively comparing medication orders in institutional and retail settings
  • Basic steps and procedures involved in processing medication orders
  • Interpreting the medication orders of patients
  • Dispensing the right medication
  • Preparing the profile of patients by acquiring and entering the most accurate patient information
  • Utilizing patient profile with an aim of providing them with the right medications
  • How to effectively handle medications?
  • Taking advantage of the manufacturers label as a means of accurately dispensing drugs
  • Basic steps and procedures that you need to undertake when packaging and labeling drugs
  • Understanding the best storage conditions for medicines
  • How to prepare and deliver drug products?
  • Modes of payment when offering pharmaceutical services
  • Ordering and receiving drug products and medical devices and supplies
  • How to maintain the excellent condition of the drug products in your pharmacy?
  • Converting solid dosage forms

Beneficiaries of the Pharmacy Technician Certification Program

The pharmacy technician certification program which is now available at Brainmeasures targets all aspiring and existing pharmacy technicians who wish to gather more information about how they can achieve success in the field. It is suitable for you if you have longed to become a pharmacy technician and you wish to understand the major duties and responsibilities that you need to handle once you enter the pharmaceutical industry.

Job Opportunities after Completing a Pharmacy Technician Certification Course

The pharmacy technician course which is now easily accessible at Brainmeasures is a major help in your attempt to get the position of a pharmacy technician and effectively perform your functions in this field. As a pharmacy technician certification holder, you have greater chances of entering the following industries as a certified expert in the field:

  • Hospital Pharmacies
  • Long-term Health Care Facilities
  • Community Pharmacies
  • Clinics
  • Extended Care Facilities
  • Ambulatory Care Pharmacies

Expected Salary for Pharmacy Technician Certification Holders

As a pharmacy technician certification holder, you can also expect to earn higher. Your pharmacy technician certification is effective in showing the industry that you have competitive skills and a broader knowledge about offering quality pharmaceutical services to the public so there is a great tendency that you will receive a higher salary. At present, certified pharmacy technicians can expect to receive at least $54,000 per year. You can expect this to grow even more if you work in a well-funded and huge hospital.


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