Software Testing (Easy Level) Test

134831 Ratings

Topics covered - Syllabus

  • Adhoc testing
  • Agile software development
  • API testing
  • Automation testing
  • Basics
  • Component of software testing
  • Database testing
  • Describe, Analyze, Test
  • Difference between Testing, Quality Assurance and Quality Control
  • Estimation technique
  • Ethics of software testing
  • Introduction to software
  • Introduction to Software Testing Management
  • Kinds of Software Testing Projects
  • Logic coverage
  • Model based testing
  • Mutation testing
  • Preventing and detecting bugs
  • Software Defects
  • Software Processs & Six Sigma
  • Software Test Management
  • Software testing
  • Software testing basics
  • Software Testing Fundamentals
  • Software Testing Project Strategies
  • Software Testing Techniques
  • Test Adequacy and Coverage
  • Test automation
  • Test case
  • Test-Case Design
  • Testing method
  • Testing Processes
  • Testing tools
  • Tests as a design tool
  • The Psychology of Testing
  • Use of software testing
  • Web based testing
  • Why We Need Model-Based Testing

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Time Duration : 40

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